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Example hettp://
If I wrote a page about applying for a job, the page title and headers might looksomething like this:
Keywords near the top of the page, and before your navigation, may be weightedmore heavily and enhance your search engine rankings.Search engines care about the order the content appears in the page code morethan on the screen. Reorganizing the text can easily be accomplished by writing asentence above your branding images or through using a floating DIV or anotherCSS technique. (SEObook)
Use Keywords in Headings129Use keywords in headings and subheadings throughout the page—this headingshould capture the person’s attention and tell them they are in the right place.Think of these headings like you would a heading in a newspaper; a classic, straightSEO approach might be
Anchor TextWhen linking between your documents, you should use the words for which youwant to rank well in the anchor text.Anchor textIf you cannot use descriptive anchor text, some search engines may still place someweighting on link titles (although not as much as anchor text).Click hereYou also can make up for slightly under-descriptive site navigation links byproviding descriptive footer text link navigation.A large criteria in search engine rankings is the text used to link to a document.Sometimes it is hard to control how others link to you, but you can always do agood job of providing great links to yourself using internal site linking. (SEObook)
A good page title for this book would then be “Search Engine OptimizationTutorial e-book:”
My general rule for the page title is to include at least one competitive and one noncompetitiveterm. (SEObook)
Longer search terms typically have less competition and convert better.This is the real secret to effective on-the-page SEO. Use different pages tooptimize for different terms. (SEObook)
The original title may have also been a bit longer than necessary. Usually it is bestto keep them at or under about ten words.Keep in mind that the home page of a strong site can be more brand oriented, butas you get deeper into a site it makes sense to place more emphasis on matchingkeywords than on branding in the page titles.
Most search engines place much moreweight on the page title tag text than any other on page element. (seobook)
Meta tag creator:
Ontology Finder:
SEO Firefox:
Oftentimes I do not mind spending hundreds of dollars getting links from differentsites (or directories) across many different IP ranges.(SEObook)
Some directories I highly recommend are Yahoo!, DMOZ,, JoeAnt,Best of the Web, and Gimpsy. (SEObook)
Search for things like “,
Host your site with a reliable host. I recommend DreamHost or (SEObook)
SSI Without Breaking File PathsWebmasters often start out with a smaller site and later decide that they shouldstart using SSI or a dynamic content management system. To use SSI, manypeople change their file paths from .html or .htm to .shtml or .shtm. The problemwith doing this is that it can break inbound links. You can get around this bymodifying your .htaccess file.To learn more about .htaccess files, view the Comprehensive Guide to .htaccess at: (SEObook)
You can learn more about SSI by viewing the Apache SSI Tutorial located at
On my Search Marketing Info site (, I use SSI for the pagefooter, navigational tabs, local left column navigation, and right-side page ads. (SEObook)
Server Side Includes is an Apache server technology that allows you to includepages or parts of a page within another page without the negative side effects ofusing a framed-based navigation system. To include another file inside of a page,include the following code where you want the included page to appear.The use of SSI for common elements, such as navigation or advertisements, workwell to allow you to control your entire site by making simple changes to a singlefile. Between CSS and SSI, you can save literally hundreds or thousands of hoursin your site design or re-design.SSI also lets you include the date last modified or current date in the page. This isoften how many of those generic one page sites have the current date in their salesletters. (SEOBook)
Using CSS to Minimize Page Load TimeUsing an external style sheet will keep many of your design elements on a singlecommon page. This prevents pages from looking jagged due to slightly differentlayout specifications between one page and the next. In addition, keeping layoutcode separate from content will decrease page load time. (SEObook)
Blogs as Content Management SystemsI organize many content sites with weblog programs such as WordPress andMovable Type. Movable Type costs $199 (as of writing this) for a commerciallicense and provides many of the features of expensive content managementsystems. (SEObook)
Seth Godin offered me some great advice for site design. He said, “The best wayto make a web page is to steal an outlay idea from another website that is not directlycompeting with you.”
Software such as Site Grinder and some companies like PSD2HTML andXHTMLized convert Photoshop images to websites for affordable rates. (SEObook)