realizată de ERIN YAU 9 luni în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Structure of an Atom
Electron (e-)
Negatively Charged
Neutron (n0)
Proton (p+)
Positively Charged
Periodic Table
Oxygen: 0.174%
Not enough Oxygen
Water Vapor: 0.03%
Nidrogen: 2.6%
Carbon Monoxide: 0.0747%
Carbon Dioxide: 95.32%
Varies from 20 degrees Celcius to -153 degrees Celcius
too cold for plants
Martian Soil
Not suitable for growing plants in Space
Toxin (Perchlorate)
Percholoratye contains 1 cholrine atom and 4 oxygen atoms.
Water Cycle
Is there water on Mars