Categorii: Tot - cuerpos - eje - poliedros - superficie

realizată de JONATHAN CRISTOPHER NASIMBA CAIZA 4 ani în urmă


Solidos Geométricos

Los sólidos geométricos se dividen principalmente en poliedros y cuerpos redondos. Los cuerpos redondos están delimitados por superficies que giran alrededor de un eje, formando circunferencias y poseen caras curvas, como la esfera, el cono y el cilindro.

Solidos Geométricos

Solidos Geométricos

Type in your name

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Personal skills

Skills can be truly valuable when it comes to convincing a potential employer. Along with work experience and education, your skills will help the employer get a better understanding of your interests and values.

Specify any other skills which you believe qualify you for the position you are applying.

These skills enhance your interactions, job performance and career prospects. Soft skills are broadly applicable both in and outside the workplace, and relate to a person's ability to interact effectively with coworkers and customers.

team playerflexibilitygood communication skillsproblem-solving skillscreative thinkingconfidenceOther
Soft Skill


Great opportunity to showcase your personality to potential employers.
What activities (outside of work) do you enjoy most?

joggingsoccerreadingswimmingflying kitesyogaikebanafootballtennisgolfgardeningOther
Contienen los siguientes elementos

Poliedros convexos y cóncavos

Poliedros cocavos
Son los poliedros en los que, al menos, una cara no puede apoyarse completamente sobre el plano.
Poliedros convexos
Son los poliedros en los que todas sus caras pueden apoyarse sobre el plano. Además estos poliedros también pueden ser regulares o irregulares









Son formas tridimensionales es decir tienen volumen (longitud, profundidad y altura).

Cuerpos Redondos

Work experience

This is one of the most important sections in your curriculum vitae. Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.

Son solidos Geométricos limitados por una superficie que gira alrededor de un eje formando de esta forma la circunferencia. Poseen caras curvas

Specify your work experience

Start with the most recent period.
Example: Jul 2013 - Jun 2016.


What were/are your responsibilities in this position?

research informationdevelop curriculum for an academic unitdistribute incoming and prepare outgoing mailgreet customersinvestigate discrepancies in files and reconcile differencesOther



What industry does the company or institution belong to?

advertisingtourismagriculturecomputer hardware manufacturerspetroleumOther



Name of the company or institution where you last worked or where you are currently working.

GoogleProcter & GambleTescoWal - MartToyotaIBMKPMGMcDonald'sOther

Company Name

Poliedros regulares e irregulares

Contact information

Any CV or résumé needs to contain your contact information. This way, recruiters can get in touch with you.


E-mail is the preferred form of communication in today's work environment.

Type in your e-mail address so that the recruiter can easily contact you.

Son aquellos que no tienen sus caras como polígonos regulares, ni sus ángulos iguales

Type in your mobile phone number.

En cada vértice concurren igual numero de aristas.
Tienen caras iguales