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For quantitative data, the mode, range, mean, median and standard deviation are found.
The previously calculated summary measures are reviewed.
It consists of COMPARISON.
The purpose of charting is to facilitate quick visual inspection of the information.
Survey: is a series of questions directed to research participants. They can also be administered to an individual or a group. Surveys are used to gather information about many people and may include multiple choice or open-ended questions (such as demographic information, health, knowledge, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, or skills).
Record Review: occurs when a researcher examines and extracts information from documents containing data about the participant. Records reviewed in a research study may be public or private. An example is a researcher collecting information about a condition from patients' medical records.
Observations: are records taken that do not require participation. These records are made while participants are engaged in routine behaviors and are used as an indicator of what participants do, rather than relying entirely on participants' accounts of their own behavior. An example would be a researcher observing the educational plans used in a classroom by a public school teacher.
Interview: is an interaction involving the researcher and a participant(s) in which questions are asked in person, by telephone, or even electronically. During an interview, questions are asked to obtain detailed information about the participant about the topic of study.
This step is essential because it depends on the availability of ACCURATE and RELIABLE data.
Such sampling procedures are subordinate to the verifiable outcome to be tested and the research design selected.