Categorii: Tot - assessment - education - teaching - technology

realizată de ben winter 13 ani în urmă


Teaching - the latest

The focus is on contemporary issues in teaching and research, particularly from the perspectives of the English National Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate. The site intends to transition from a news platform to one that develops and publishes action research projects starting September 2008.

Teaching - the latest

Teaching - the latest

A review of current issues in teaching and research, primarily from English National Curriculum and IB perspectives.

Currently this is a news site but from Sept 08, I hope to develop Action research projects and puublish results.

Please add comments through the blog

Copyright Ben Winter

TTL - Suggestions for the group

Mon 13.1008

  • Follow up research interests of MA/Phd Patana Staff - ask Jackie for details
  • Hot tips - ask John to include in newsletter
  • Colin's Diigo

  • Mon29.08

  • Talk about Gardner's chapter 4 -
  • we talked about the conflict between the restrictions between creativity andd the confines of the educational system. John liked the fact that the chapter gave lots of value to the almost essential stage of being an expert - valuing the position of the creator within society.
  • Ben liked the idea of a creativity continuum on which everyone can be found.
  • Anthony's online resources -
  • We linked Anthony's list of journals subscribed to by BPS on the Patana web to the map and we added a bibliography of suggested reading as notes.
  • in the news - Ben...also allocate buzzwords to people to keep updated - google alerts
  • Ben asked if there was any interest in maintaining the news side of the site.
  • Colin's Diigo....postponed to next time

  • google docs


    Journals available in School
    New books
    Recommended Book List

  • Bibliography for Teaching the Latest group

  • Craft, Anna, Gardner, Howard, & Claxton, Guy (2008). Creativity, wisdom, and trusteeship: exploring the role of education. Corwin Press.

  • Gardner, Howard. (2006). Five minds for the future. Harvard Business School Press.

  • November, Alan C. (2001). Empowering students with technology. Thousand Oaks Press.

  • November, Alan C. (2008). Web literacy for educators. Corwin Press.

  • Wiggins, Grant P. & McTighe, Jay. (2007) Schooling by design: mission, action, and achievement. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

  • Wiggins, Grant P. & McTighe, Jay. (2005). Understanding by design. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Gardiner


    see here for colour key

    red - updated w/b 26.05.08

    orange - updated w/b 02.06.08

    yellow - updated w/b 09.06.08

    Green - completed w/b 9/6/08

    Blue - completed w/b 16/6/08

    Indigo - completed w/b 23/06/08

    Violet - completed w/b 30/06/08


    setting up google alerts
    IB World
    IBO news
    Primary Teacher Uk

    15.05.08 piecemeal green approach

    teacher magazine

    unwrapping the gifted

    International Education
    DCSF/ex DFES


    07.03 Masters entry


    21.03.08 Testing hinders happiness

    8k sterling for primary maths experts

    Y6 SATs trauma

    14.03.08 Masters entry

    21.03.08 Primary maths champs


    20.05.08 OFSTEDing happiness?

    Nat Curric constrains teachers

    27.05.08 Just the Jab

    knowing how to know

    26.03.08 NUT slams NMTBuzzcocks

    25.03Boardgames boost maths

    14.03 self eval distorts schools

    18.04.08 too many govt initiatives

    14.03.08 Work life balance

    02.08.08 Teaching children philosophy


    25 July 2008 Tests - do we still need them


    22.5.08 some GCSE exams had answers on back

    7.09.08 Balls hints at end of SATS

    21.05.08 Schools not turning green

    31.03.08 Diplomas to replace A levels by 2013

    13.03.08 Innovation nation

    08.02.08 Is 5 too soon?

    10.03.08 homework ban?

    25.03.08 Long holidays to end?

    57% UK parents want private



    learners and technology

    Press releases



    15.05.08 Key ed tech trends - 1:1

    Scandinavia model for USA?

    A delegation led by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) recently toured Scandinavia in search of answers for how students in that region of the world were able to score so high on a recent international test of math and science skills. They found that educators in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark all cited autonomy, project-based learning, and nationwide broadband internet access as keys to their success.

    Topical topics

    web 2.0 teacher videos
    ICT in ELT
    curriculum design
    george lucas
    H/W banned???
    the motivated school
    pedagogies of engagement


    finding the brightest

    London G&T

    London Gifted & Talented develops high quality programmes which challenge learners and support teachers. We believe that all learners are entitled to be stretched and challenged, and that the most effective gifted and talented provision is rooted in daily learning and teaching. At the heart of our programmes are cutting-edge e-resources and online tools. These are also available on this website.

    Teacher resources

    Practical approaches to gifted and talented education

    Whether you are a co-ordinator, a teacher or a parent, Teacher Tools provides a range of resources and advice on all aspects of gifted and talented education.


    This website was created primarily for the use of schools in the Brighton & Hove 'Excellence in Cities' cluster while its 'Gifted & Talented' strand was active during 2004-6, working with children from Years 5-7.

    G&T WISE, Teachernet


    "talent spotting"


    learner attributes
    Guy Claxton's 8 attributes
    internet safety
    Byron Review Reoprt, pub 28.04.08
    Hot tips

    For visual learners look at teachers TV videos of issues in teaching

    personalised learning


    Independent learner
    Thinking Skills
    Visual thinking
    mustiple intelligences

    planning matrix

    Aspects of learning

    Learning styles illustrated

    Paul Ginnis

    Sample activities

    Visible Thinking
    Paper and pencil boosts creativity
    Creative thinking skills


    Education forum NZ
    Bath - body of knowledge
    interestsTTL term 1 2008

    Ben W

    technology for learning

    visual learning

    Learning styles

    Anne W


    Raising awareness of intermational Ed

    Colin B

    Structuring Thinking Skills in the Classroom

    Drama as a context for learning

    Mantle of the Expert

    Dorothy Heathcote

    Exploring new ways to teach

    Enabling creativity in Children


    John B

    Tracking / Afl

    Alternative assessment

    Understanding by Design

    Online Sources

    Brit Jrnl Ed Tch

    Action research guidelines
    advice for new researchers
    action planning

    Blog - post comments here!

    National Reports

    MAY 08OFSTED praises systematic phonics
    Williams review of maths teaching
    Every Child Matters
    Teachers TV
    Rose Review
    Children's Plan
    Primary Review
    Interim reports