Categorii: Tot - conectivismo - flexible - autodidacta - heutagogía

realizată de Carolina López 1 an în urmă


Teorías Pedagógicas del PLE

La educación moderna se está transformando a través de las teorías del aprendizaje como la heutagogía y el conectivismo. La heutagogía, derivada de la teoría de la complejidad, destaca la importancia del aprendizaje autodirigido, donde el individuo es consciente, crítico y autodidacta, utilizando la tecnología para diseñar y desarrollar su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

Teorías Pedagógicas del PLE

Castañeda, L. & Adell, J. (2013). Entornos personales de aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red. Alcoy: Marfil. Hase, S. and Kenyon, C. (2001) Moving From Andragogy to Heutagogy: Implications for VET, AVETRA, Adelaide, March. Available at Hase, S. y Kenyon, C. (2007). Heutagogy: A child of complexity theory. Com- plicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 4(1), 111–118. Consultado el 16-05-2016 en http://www.complexityandeducation.

Teorías Pedagógicas del PLE

Make a weekly plan, fill in each task and then check them off as the week advances.

Learning as a network


We all love Friday! And it's finally here. Look back at what you've managed to achieve this week and check what's in the pipeline for today.

Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.

Free time

Pizza partyGo to a concertOther

Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.


Plan the next week in advanceMake the travel arrangementsOther

Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.


Pick up the kids from schoolMake an appointment to the dentistOther

Aprendizaje emergente


Happy Thursday! Hang in there, Friday will come before you know it. Think back to all the tasks scheduled for this week and see what else is left for today.

es un aprendizaje a base de cambios

Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.

Free time

Cooking timeDinner with friendsOther
es dinámico
es abierto
es flexible
los aprendices lo realizan de forma impredecible

Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.


Follow up on calls and emailsSchedule appointmentsOther
con quien lo van a hacer
como lo van a hacer
lo que van a aprender
no se produce de forma reglada

Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.


Run errandsDo the grocerriesOther



Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week, they say. You're halfway through the week, see what plans you have set for today.

Choose from the examples below or add your own.

Free time

Coffee timeShopping spreeOther

Choose from the examples below or add your own.


Online meeting with the teamManage your social mediaOther

Choose from the examples below or add your own.


Wake up earlySuggestionMeditateOther



Siendo él quien

Diseña y desarrolla lo que va a aprender

Con caracteristicas como:


Con el uso de la tecnologia







A fresh start, a clean slate, and a lot of potential for great things to come. That is what Mondays really are!

Begin your week with a good plan in mind and follow the guidelines to organize the week ahead.

Free time

See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.

Free time

Family timeMovie nightOther

See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.


Clean and organize your workspaceLunch with a potential clientOther

See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.


Take the kids to schoolExerciseOther