realizată de Arnaout Alissar 9 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
"My own mind is my own church" - Paine
God created universe & let it run
God didn't participate directly in human affairs
Irrational to imagine a world without God
Summarized advances in biology, chemistry, medicine & engineering
Subjects: Government, social system & religion
Editors & contributors: Jean d'Alembert, Diderot, Montesqueiu, Voltaire, Rousseau, etc.
Spread of ideas of thinkers
- proponent of free trade - against mercantile system - greater & more competitive trade - "Invisible hand of competition" - Capitalist economy
- Laws & customs → products of society's condition - pondered effects of climate, social & sexual customs
- Nature of things → consequence of politics - monarchy was the best government
- Didn't accept Enlightenment - looked down on luxury → French life was artificial - "State of Nature" - innocence of children & corruption of society
Political authority → "general will" & "common good"
- defended tolerance - attacked religious piety - criticized severity of punishment
- èrasez l'infâme → crush infamy
- defended rights to own property → essential to well-ordered society - leaving "state of nature" → enter well-ordered society
- Defended need for elected governments - uphold freedom & tolerance - government looked after people - people had right to overthrow government & elect leaders
constrained by tradition, religion & obedience to legal precedents
- could be children - sick - insane
nobles fought for position with eye on the heir to the throne
full of personal intrigue & scandal
nobility get power & rewards
18th century → social authority of nobility weakened
Leaders & court were unhappy with greed and demand for protection of privileges
Collected rent from peasant farmers or had them work for wages
Collected taxes from peasants/farmers/labourers
Demanded obedience from those who worked on their property
Enjoyed profits from crops & other products of the land
Money increased → new middle/ merchant class
Joint-stock companies increased volume of trade
Spread of capitalism
Rural economy was the root of national wealth
- spinning jenny - water-powered frame - flying shuttle
Increased production
Created consumerism
seed drill → improved planting
steel plow → turned over soil
Natural fertilizers and rotation of crops