realizată de PUIG CALDERÓN PUIG CALDERÓN 4 ani în urmă
The History of the English Phonetic Association
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) has undergone several significant revisions since its inception. The most notable changes and expansions occurred in 1900, 1932, and 1989, with the latest revision taking place in 2005.
De la Cruz Alejandro Betsaida, Pérez Cortés Elizabeth, Puig Calderon Adrián Eduardo, Reyes Hernández César Edudardo, Sánchez Ble Clarisa Fernanda
The History of the English Phonetic Association
symbols and letters in the IPA
19 additional signs
31 diacritics
107 letters
Symbols and Sounds
This inventory uses capital or cursive forms, diacritics, and rotations.
There are also several derived or taken from the Greek alphabet.
The IPA is based on the Latin alphabet
Most letters are either Latin or Greek, or modifications thereof
The general principle of the IPA
To provide one letter for each distinctive sound
This means that it does not use combinations of letters to represent single sounds
IPA revisions.
It had another revision, this time with the IPA Ikeal Convention in 1989.
• The alphabet was last revised in May 2005
• major revisions and expansions took place in 1900 and 1932.
• in 1888, the alphabet was revised.
Its foundation
A group of French and British language teachers, led by the French linguist Paul Passy, in 1889 created what would become known as the International Phonetic Association.