realizată de Kennedy Youngholm 8 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
Dally is a nineteen year old boy. His "brother" is Johnny and he is the only thing he loves.
Johnny is a sixteen year old boy. He is being abused at home and is the little brother of the group. His hero is Dally and respects him.
Ponyboy is 14 years old with 2 brothers that are his guardians. He has auburn hair and green/grey eyes. His two brothers that take care of him are Darry and Sodapop. He is the youngest of the greasers but one of the smartest because he skipped a grade. Ponyboy does not use his head in social situations. Both of his parents died in a car accident so his brother Darry is his guardian.
Ponyboy sees the rough parts of being a soc and a greaser. He does not judge a person based on their social class, but he does by their character.He often feels like Darry does not like him as a brother.