realizată de MUHAMMAD DANISH HAKIMI NORADZLI 2 ani în urmă
TOPIC 5: Introduction to
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Sport and exercise psychology focuses on understanding how psychological factors impact an individual's performance and behavior in athletic settings. Professionals in this field work with athletes to teach techniques that enhance peak performance and overall potential.
TOPIC 5: Introduction to
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Research Method in Sport and
Exercise Psychology
Top Sport psychologist
Dr Steve Peters
Ronnie O’Sullivan-2012,2013 world snooker champion
England FA
Liverpool FC
British cycling team
UK athletics team
P = Perspective
E= Emotion
L = Learning
T = Training
T = Task
E = Environment
P = Physical
Holmes and Collins’ (2001) PETTLEP
model of imagery provides a framework for the effective execution of imagery interventions.
Applications of clinical sport
Psycho-neuromuscular Theory
Suggest that repeated mental practice allows the
performer to continue to activate the same brain systems
involved in movement.
This theory called the theory of muscle memory
The use of imagery duplicates the motor pattern in the
brain, albeit on a smaller scale than with physical
Involves the production of
mental images in an opponent
Improve performance in activities that
require a lot of cognitive activity
It is also termed mental rehearsal or mental practice
Involves the use of visualization procedures to
imagine physical performance, in absence of physical
Example of application
Advises coach on factors (tension, life stress) that predispose athletes to injury.
Teaches athlete relaxation and imagery techniques to use during rehab sessions.
Helps athletes to chart and monitor goals for rehab and to return to competition.
Listen to empathy and provides emotional support to injured athletes.
Goal of Sports Psychologists or
Sport and Exercise Psychology
An athlete or person has the ability to reach their potential, achieve peak performance in sport and exercise activity.
Teach athletes techniques that are commonly used in sport psychology
To understand the social-psychological factors that influence people’s behavior and performance in sport and exercise activity.
Motivation: the drive or action towards a goal
Mental imagery: Clear pictures in your mind of
your performance using all the senses (sight,
sound, taste, smell and touch) to successfully imagine successful performances
Focus: concentration at the task at hand and the
ability to exercise distraction control
Pessimism: the tendency to see the most
gloomiest of outcomes.
Optimism: The ability to see the positive side of
Self-talk: An internal dialogue
Sports psychology: It is the principles of
psychology used in a sport setting.
Links the mental and physical aspects of training.
Athlete can gain the “mental edge” to reach their goals, recover from injury, or gain confidence.
Psychology: The study of human and animal