Categorii: Tot - evaluation - approach - introduction - energy

realizată de Eva Orear 3 ani în urmă


Understanding evaluation

Effective public speaking and performance depend on several key elements, such as the quality of one's voice, projection, and vocal confidence. It's important to initiate a scene only when instructed and ensure the setup is appropriate for the performance.

Understanding evaluation

Understanding evaluation


Volume: Picth of speech
Quality: exseeding the standards of whats wanted.
pronouncuation: the way in which a word is pronounced.
Projection: speaking up so others can hear your voice on stage.
Articulation: identification of sounds and actions in vocab.
Vocal confidence: The ability of which one feels of their voice.
Intensity: The power you put in your voice.


attention: You want to bring attention thru your actions and expressions.
Even a sad scene should have energy!
Preformance: how you display energy, You want to be energetic and joyful!


Show apropiate behaivor : Dont drink or eat, Dotn distract from preformance. once you enter the stage and express yourself! enter kindly and show a nice first impression.


This must include the tudents name, charactor they are playing as, They must speak clearly and confidentitly.
Ever preformance needs an introduction.

Set up

don't start scene until instructed to.
make sure area is set up appropiatitly for scene.
Starting place: The place where the first line will take place.