Categorii: Tot - mediterranean - data - management - collaboration

realizată de Ermete Mariani 6 ani în urmă



The FG Western Mediterranean workshop held on October 10th, 2017, in Palma de Mallorca, emphasized the importance of effective communication and data collection in managing Mediterranean fish stocks.


FG Western Mediterranean workshop - 10 October 2017 in Palma de Mallorca

Working Groups 1 and 5 meetings?

Collaboration with FARNET in order to promote synergies between the establishment of Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) within the administrative boundaries of the MPAs. In this respect, results from MPs could be capitalised in order to start functional dialogue with policy decision makers at national and regional levels (who are expected to decide the eligible area for the FLAGs) and the representatives of the partnerships/consortia leading the FLAGs. PANACeA should participate in the 2018 FARNET conference on the future of the Community-Led Local Development (CLDD)

PANACeA Potential products: Broad dissemination of main results and toolkits delivered by MPs. PANACeA communication/dissemination campaign should focus on "simple" messages such as

Co-management of MPAs should be encouraged and/or supported by European Union through the implementation of the CFP and its financial instruments

Report to be addressed to EUSAIR THEMATIC STEERING GROUPS PILLAR 1 & 3 in order to promote labelling of MPs in the framework of specific AI ETC call and/or macroregional projects

PANACeA Potential products Broad dissemination of main results and toolkits delivered by MPs. PANACeA communication/dissemination campaign should focus on "simple" messages such as

MPs' mission meets EUSAIR's objectives in terms of the sustainable use of living marine resources and protection of environmental heritage

MPs' results contribute to the implementation of EUSAIR's Action Plan.

Awareness campaign vis-à-vis national governments (PANACeA report should be sent to National Government Units in charge of maritime spatial planning issues)

Production of cartography using the PANACeA data platform

Brochure covering all the examples of co-management (this brochure could be an annex to the technical report mentioned above)

Data collected by MPs could also be used to identify sensitive areas for some fishing stocks that should be restricted to fisheries and/or human activities in general. Such data could be useful for civil servants

Generally speaking, at the European level today when we talk about maritime spatial planning, the message beyond the political and technical debate is: we need to find solutions to tackle conflicts among environmental and socio-economic priorities when we look at the exploitation of the sea. Our MPs showed that it is possible to combine the protection of living marine resources (environmental objective) and the promotion of SSF (socio-economic objective). Policy decision makers at the EU, National and local levels must be aware of these synergies in order to integrate said approaches into the future multiannual spatial plans that are expected to be approved under the EU directive;

video on fishing campaigns focusing on high selectivity of SSF fishing activities

PANACeA Potential products: Broad dissemination of main results and toolkits delivered by MPs. PANACeA communication/dissemination campaign should focus on "simple" messages such as:

Dialogue and cooperation between MPA managers and SSF could contribute to reducing unwanted catches of protected marine species. TBC NEED FOR EVIDENCE

Data on catches could be used by the PANACeA platform to deliver cartographies of catch areas that could be useful for MPA managers in order to reflect on potential future expansions/reductions of MPA boundaries

Collaborations with the GFCM in the current debate on the future definition of SSF for the Mediterranean basin. Typologies and characteristics of SSF vessels involved in the testing phase of MPs could be used to contribute to the technical debate on the future definition

PANACeA Potential products: Broad dissemination of main results and toolkits delivered by MPs. PANACeA communication/dissemination campaign should focus on "simple" messages such as:

Improving "sustainable"= regulated access of artisanal SSF to marine resources and markets is a key priority for the future of fisheries in the Mediterranean basin. Indeed, in the Mediterranean area more than 80% of the fishing fleet is composed by SSF vessels. In addition to the socio-economic factor, it is worth highlighting that fishing catches under the CFP respect high hygiene and health standards compared to seafood products coming from non-EU countries. Consequently, promoting the sustainable access of artisanal SSF to Mediterranean resources and markets will also have positive impacts on the health of Mediterranean citizens;

Fish stocks do not observe administrative boundaries. Promoting collaboration among MPA managers and SSF will ensure positive effects on the sustainable use of living marine resources next to and inside the MPAs. A more sustainable "exploitation" of fishing stocks will, in the long term, lead to the recovery and/or increase of quantity/quality of available fishes. Consequently SSF will benefit from the increased volume and/or quality of catches (higher selling prices and easier access to local markets)

PANACeA might deliver outcomes such as:

Ad-hoc webinar for MPAs, FLAGs and Universities and/or research centres

The development of functional "links" between PANACeA and the RFCM and/or other local institutions (e.g. MPAs, EC/DG MARE, FLAGs, Clusters - Distretto Pesca of Mazzara del Vallo - etc. ). These functional links should have the format of ad-hoc collaborations aiming to promote and/or capitalise on MPs' results on data collection and/or methodologies for data processing. In order to do this, PANACeA will contact these bodies/stakeholders in order to start concrete synergies (e.g. contribution to the organisation and/or participation in key events; joining official initiatives -MEDFISHFOREVER)

A technical report on methodologies and toolkits for enhancing cooperation among representatives of MPAs, fishermen (SSF), scientists and policy decision makers. In this respect, the report should pay special attention to cross-cutting topics such as the strategic role played by the implementation of the experience-based knowledge approach in the sustainable management of living Mediterranean marine resources

PANACeA Potential products Broad dissemination of main results and toolkits delivered by MPs. PANACeA communication/dissemination campaign should focus on "simple" messages such as:

Boosting Data collection and data processing activities is a preliminary path to contribute to the recovery of Mediterranean fish stocks. Modular projects showed that cross-referencing data on the state of fishing stocks with data on volume of catches and with spatial data (on marine fishing and spawning zones) allows policy decision makers to access key information and knowledge in order to: better manage the already existing MPAs; reflect on the location and/or the boundaries of future MPAs; have ad-hoc information on the impact of fishing activities on specific Mediterranean biological areas

Several tools and methodologies have been tested by the MPs. Results coming from study and testing phases clearly show that successful co-management of fishing activities within and/or next to the boundaries of MPAs is possible

Promoting structured dialogue among managers of MPAs, representatives of SSF and decision makers is a key priority for Europe and, above all, for the Mediterranean sea basin. Indeed, involving fishermen in the sustainable exploitation/management of living marine resources is a crucial step towards fighting against unreported and illegal fisheries activities

Contribution to SoER 2019 Report Contribution to Mediterranean Sustainable Development Dashboard

MED Biodiversity Protection Community: Working group 2 SUSTAINABLE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES

European Level

EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR)
Mediterranean Coast and Macroregional Strategies Week, 20-23 Sept 2017, Slovenia
The EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) is a macro-regional strategy adopted in 2014 that was jointly developed by the Commission, together with the Adriatic-Ionian Region countries and stakeholders, in order to address common challenges together. The Strategy aims at creating synergies and fostering coordination among all territories in the Adriatic-Ionian Region.

EUSAIR is built on four thematic pillars

Sustainable tourism

Environmental quality (including Topic 1 - on marine environment)

Connecting the region (transport and energy networks)

Blue growth (including Topic 2 - on Fisheries and aquaculture)

EU Policy on Blue Growth
UfM Regional Stakeholder Conference on Blue Economy Naples, Italy, 29-30 November 2017
6th Seminar on WestMed initiative (DG MARE) - "Workshop on the initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean", 9 Oct 2017
BlueMed initiative (H2020 CSA - DG Research) on Blue Growth and SRIA update and future pilot actions (next meeting in Athens, 1-2 February 2018)
Blue Growth is the long-term strategy to support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors as a whole. Seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy and have great potential for innovation and growth. It is the maritime contribution to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Sea basin strategies to ensure tailor-made measures and to foster cooperation between countries

Provide knowledge, legal certainty and security in the blue economy: to improve access to information about the sea; maritime spatial planning to ensure an efficient and sustainable management of activities at sea

Develop sectors that have a high potential for sustainable jobs and growth, such as aquaculture (Fisheries website), coastal tourism, etc.

Mediterranean Advisory Council (MEDAC)

PANACeA could create some links in order to supplement the technical reflection of the AC-MED on future multiannual plans for specific Mediterranean species (e.g. octopus, red shrimp, etc.)

PANACeA reports, cartography and data should be sent to the General Secretariat of the AC for the Mediterranean

PANACeA Potential products

See messages above on the key role played by the SSF

Focus Group Focus groups are set up for a specific purpose. Their duration is limited and they are divided by geographical area

Focus Group on the Strait of Sicily (IT, MT)

Focus Group on Western Mediterranean (IT, FR, ES)

Focus Group on Adriatic Sea (IT, SI, HR)

Working Groups are established on a permanent basis and have the role of assisting the Executive Committee in the preparation of the opinions and joint recommendations

WG 5: Small-Scale Fisheries and Socio-Economic Impact

WG 1: Reform the Common Fisheries Policy (Regionalisation, discards management plans, multiannual management plans)

The Mediterranean Advisory Council, MEDAC, is a non-profit organisation which pursues aims of general European interest. Its headquarters are in Rome, Italy. The MEDAC is made up of European and national organisations representing the fisheries sector (including the industrial fleet, small-scale fisheries, the processing sector and trade unions) and other stakeholders (such as environmental organisations, consumer groups and sports/recreational fishery associations) which operate in the Mediterranean area in the framework of the CFP
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

PANACeA might deliver outcomes such as

Collaboration with FARNET in order to promote synergies between the establishment of Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) within the administrative boundaries of the MPAs. In this respect results from MPs could be capitalised in order to start a functional dialogue with policy decision makers at national and regional levels (who are expected to decide the eligible area for the FLAGs) and the representatives of the partnerships/consortia leading the FLAGs. PANACeA should participate in the 2018 FARNET conference on the future of Community-Led Local Development (CLDD)

Collaboration with the European Commission (DG MARE) in order to highlight the crucial role played by the EMFF in supporting transferability and implementation of the MPs' results (Monitoring the follow-up of the international conference organised in Tallin on 12/13 October)

Collaboration with GFCM in order to capitalise on data collection activities (PANACeA participation in their main annual conference)

All report/brochures mentioned above

PANACeA Potential products: Broad dissemination of main results and toolkits delivered by MPs. PANACeA communication/dissemination campaign should focus on ""simple"" messages such as

Data collection initiatives are crucial in order to ensure the effective monitoring of Mediterranean stocks, promote their recovery and enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the Mediterranean fishing sector

Co-management of MPAs could contribute to the environmental and socio-economic objectives scheduled by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) Art. 38,39,40 and by the CFP art. 2.1

Co-management of MPAs should be encouraged and/or supported by the European Union through the implementation of the CFP and its financial instruments

FARNET FLAGS: PANACEA could contribute to their political lobbying by promoting synergies and offering co-management solutions for MPAs. Autumn 2018 FARNET Conference on the future of CLLD (tbc)

FARNET (European Fisheries Areas Network) is the community of people implementing Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) under the EMFF. This network brings together Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), managing authorities, citizens and experts from across the EU. In the near future, the number of FLAGs that could join in co-managing MPAs could be higher and higher. Indeed, the sustainable co-management of living marine resources in some FLAGs would require setting up an MPA that overlaps its legislative boundaries (eligible area). Today this is already the case for some FLAGs: for instance, consider the EGADI MPA (also covered by FISHMPABLUE), which is both an MPA and an IT FLAG

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020 (contribution from October 2017 -> summer 2018??) Negotiation post 2020 : the Commission is expected to publish (probably in late 2018) the draft regulation for the 2014-2020 EMFF Angle for PANACEA: promotion for financial support to the co-management and/or to the setting-up of co-managed MPAs.

CONFISH: new data generated

Roadmap for the sustainable management of marine ecosystems. Build capacity by building on evolutionary-based fisheries management (three workshops)

Small-scale fisheries governance toolkit for comanagement with representatives of MPAs with representatives of Small-scale Fisheries

SCAR FISH: Strategic Working Group (SWG) on Fisheries and Aquaculture
Spring 2018 EC's proposal for MED multiannual management plans (tbc)
MEDAC Mediterranean Advisory Council
PECH Committee (European Parliament Committee on Fisheries)
Current political debate around Adriatic Ionian pelagic multi-annual management plans. These plans will be a model for future discussions on other multiannual management plans for other Mediterranean species
SCAR FISH: Strategic Working Group (SWG) on Fisheries and Aquaculture: The objective is to further develop collaboration between Member States on a more long-term basis. It is expected to yield potentially significant improvements through economies of scale, avoiding duplication and improving research efficiency at EU level, sharing research results, linking existing work more closely, and jointly funding strategic areas.
In relation with the GFCM: GFCM is working to improve the collection and use of data in collaboration with the (EU) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). The results of this collaboration will be used by the European Commission to set up specific proposed regulations in the framework of Art. 18 of the CFP basic Regulation = involvement of AC, discussions with Mediterranean Member States and publication of Delegated Acts
2017 Malta declaration towards the introduction of "new" management models for the exploitation of Mediterranean commercial fish stocks
CFP has been revised for the next 10 years, until 2022-2023
Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
POSBEMED: GIS database on Posidonia, dunes , tourism and Natura 2000 sites
FishMPABlue2 project is exploring the implementation of MSP options within MPAs using scenarios, etc. that might be transferable to this activity
MEDSEALITTER efforts to address a two-scale approach (macro vs micro and MPAs vs large areas) to harmonise the management of methodological approaches. Consider scaling up AMARE planning tool for MPA management & monitoring to adapt to MSPD requirements.

Focus on visualisation tools for the database (spatial geoportal?)

MPA climate change e-platform (enhancing functionalities of existing T-MedNet and IUCN Medmis) to transfer data to other MPAs


Build on ACT4LITTER to share the preventive measures identified and the assessment/decision-making tool beyond the project's lifetime, and share the scaled-up transnational governance scheme. Promote up-scaling of assessment and integration into management & implementation

Development of a monitoring/assessment algorithm (ICT tool)

AMARE project is exploring the implementation of MSP options within MPAs using scenarios, etc. that might be transferable

stakeholder workshops: planning exercise, in which the participants will build a possible MSP in the MPA, involving stakeholders from different maritime sectors.

management strategies linking conservation objectives and human activities

knowledge base monitoring tool (monitoring/spatial data to feed into GIS maps?)

EU tools to support MSDP implementation

Funding MSP cross-border projects: SIMWESTMED currently ongoing

Consider the parallel initiative at the Mediterranean level, Conceptual Framework for MSP under development in the framework of the Barcelona Convention

Needs expressed in SimWestMed: preliminary and shared assessment of case studies (fact sheets)? PANACeA could contribute to SimWestMed fact sheet case studies?

Technical support: The Assistance Mechanism for MSP was launched in 2016 to provide administrative and technical support to EU countries in implementing the MSP legislation. The project manages a website featuring information on existing MSP practices, processes and projects, a question and answer service, technical studies and a focal point service for EU countries.

Lack of cooperation and methodology for addressing transboundary issues
Lack of concrete tools and best practices for MSP process
Lack of common methodology for MSP
Part of the Integrated Maritime Policy

2021: Deadline for the establishment of maritime spatial plans

2016: Deadline for transposition and designation of component authorities

2014: Adoption of the directive

Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Descriptor 4. Elements of food webs ensure long-term abundance and reproduction
Descriptor 3. The population of commercial fish species is healthy



Descriptor 1. Biodiversity is maintained
AMARE efforts to define key (most effective and representative) descriptors out of the 11 MSFD GES descriptors to be used for MPA managers to monitor the state of their MPAs more efficiently, and therefore reduce their workload.
The Integrated Maritime Policy seeks to provide a more coherent approach to maritime issues, with increased coordination between different policy areas. It focuses on:

Issues that require the coordination of different sectors and actors, e.g. marine data & knowledge, maritime spatial planning...

Issues that do not fall under a single sector-based policy, e.g. "blue growth" (economic growth based on different maritime sectors).

Aims to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) of the EU's marine waters by 2020. This is done through a six-year process. 2018 marks the beginning of a new review cycle process starting with assessment, identification of targets and indicators, followed by the development of monitoring programmes and programmes of measures. The latest decision on GES (2017) from the Commission is going further in the need to establish precise objectives for GES (new criteria & standard methodologies, thresholds, etc.). However, there is a large knowledge gap to overcome In 2018, MSs are expected to report on the collection of the necessary data to assess progress towards good environmental status and targets, especially for those descriptors where progress has not been sufficient.
EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020
Target 6: Help stop the loss of global biodiversity
Target 4: Make fishing more sustainable and seas healthier

Integrating “FishMPABlue Governance toolkit” principles in national administrative / legal frameworks: Policy principles, National adapted recommendations, Technical workshops and reports at national level with national or regional authorities

Fisheries management: Common methodology for design and execution of sound scientific monitoring of small-scale fishery within and around an MPA

Target 2: Maintain and restore ecosystems

Methodology for implementing wetlands contracts & development of 9 wetland contracts

International good practices transfer on wetland management

Framework of preliminary materials about target areas

International networking/ synergies on sustainable beach management

GIS database on Posidonia, dunes , tourism and Natura 2000 sites

Target 1: Protect species and habitats

Capacity Building: Overcoming knowledge barriers on Posidonia

WETNET Guidance Manual for Wetland multi-level governance

Training on wetlands conservation & management

Methodology for implementing wetlands contracts & development of nine wetland contracts

Transfer international good practices on wetland management

Framework of preliminary materials on target areas

Framework of best practices in improved wetlands management

Five pilot sites

Multiple stressor assessment model & spatial analysis (model of marine litter dynamics - accumulation areas): ML high-resolution data and refined indicators (go a step beyond the Guidance on ML monitoring to promote the development of specific protocols on specific litter compartments) and share the mapping tool for upgraded management & monitoring plans.

Reflects the commitments made by the EU within the Convention of Biological Diversity Ambitious strategy setting out 6 targets and 20 actions to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU by 2020 (source: European Commission)

Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE)

PANACeA Biodiversity Platform?


Sustainable Development Goals - Agenda 2030
14.c. Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in UNCLOS, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of The Future We Want
14.b. Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets

Fisheries management: Common methodology to design and execute sound scientific monitoring of small-scale fishery within and around an MPA

Small-scale fisheries governance toolkit

14.a. Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries
14.7. By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
14.6. By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognising that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation
14.5. By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information

Use maps to identify hotspots for biodiversity protection, i.e. marine litter/PAs/new hotspots


Testing in five pilot sites

Oceanographic data & indicators for MPAs & GIS maps

Roadmap for scenario analysis of management alternatives

Multiple stressor assessment model & spatial analysis (model of marine litter dynamics - accumulation areas): ML high-resolution data and refined indicators (go a step beyond the Guidance on ML monitoring to promote the development of specific protocols on specific litter compartments) and share the mapping tool for upgraded management & monitoring plans

Geospatial management tools (spatial geoportal)

Guidelines for drafting a standard management plan

Transfer best practices across MPAs & at transnational scale

14.4. By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics

Since the Modular Projects have produced and are producing new data involving living marine resources, and considering the link with MSFD D3, the new MSFD cycle starting in 2018 might be a policy target for WG2

Compare and integrate genomics, fishery biology data and experience-based knowledge to assess fishery resources status and support their management

Build bottom-up participatory approach on evolutionary based fisheries management (three workshops)

Toolkit (Strategic Options and strategic paths) for the sustainable management of marine ecosystems

International policy: Report including key recommendations for international policy makers, list of potential sites for applying the “governance toolkit”

Integrate “FishMPABlue Governance toolkit” principles in national administrative/legal frameworks: Policy principles, nationally adapted recommendations, technical workshops and reports at national level with national or regional authorities

Transferability Plan of Pilot Action results, Regional Conference on “Sustainable small-scale fishery in MPAs sharing-experience” Regional Conference (date and place TBC) and online platform on sustainable small-scale fishery in MPAs

Governance toolkit: Scientific assessment of the effect of governance toolkit implementation

Fisheries management: Common methodology to design and execute sound scientific monitoring of small-scale fisheries within and around an MPA

Small-scare fisheries governance toolkit



14.3. Minimise and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels
14.2. By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans


Capacity Building: Overcoming knowledge barries on Posidonia

International networking/synergies on sustainable beach management

GIS database on Posidonia, dunes, tourism and Natura 2000 sites

Guidelines for sustainable beach and stranded seagrass management

Best practices for enhancing the conservation effectiveness of MPAs hosting seagrass ecosystems, beach & dune habitats

Strategy for joint management of Posidonia for Mediterranean beaches & dunes


Water monitoring implementation manual

European operational concept on transnational water monitoring

Impact analysis of pilots: Feb 2019

Transfer plan (topic: water quality monitoring)

Develop and implement short-term and long-term monitoring solutions (Water quality monitoring software - Water monitoring implementation manual, technical segment - Training course for system users - Testing report)


Focus on visualisation tools for the data base (spatial geoportal?)

MPAs climate change e-platform (enhancing functionalities of existing T-MedNet and IUCN Medmis) to transfer data to other MPAs

Regional framework plan for long-term climate change impact monitoring in MPAs

Goal 14: Life Below Water
Biodiversity Convention
Target 14 By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and that contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being, are restored and safeguarded, taking into account the needs of women, indigenous and local communities, and the poor and vulnerable.
Target 11: By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas and 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well-connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscape and seascape

Help participating Mediterranean countries reach their targets (Greece)

Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Preparations for the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework. The 15th meeting of the COP in 2020 is expected to update the Convention’s strategic plan. This would be done in the context of the 2050 Vision of the current Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, as well the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other relevant international processes, and in the light of an assessment of the progress made in achieving the goals and Aichi Biodiversity Targets of the current plan as well as of future change scenarios
Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, for the 2011-2020 period

CBD E-learning platform on Protected Areas

Modules were developed by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Union for Conservation of Nature - World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA), and The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Mediterranean Level

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

See previous input about contribution on:

Data collection activities in order to contribute to the recovery of Mediterranean fish stocks

Future definition of Mediterranean SSF

GFCM working group on small-scale fisheries. SSF Guidelines
2018 GFCM event
MEDAC (see MEDAC above)
41st session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. 16-20 October 2017, Montenegro
In relation with the GFCM: GFCM is working to improve the collection and use of data in collaboration with the (EU) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). The results of this collaboration will be used by the European Commission to set up specific draft regulations in the framework of Art. 18 of the CFP basic Regulation = involvement of AC, discussions with Mediterranean Member States and publication of Delegated Acts

The development of national policies and initiatives (SSF national action plan proposals in EU countries)

The Mediterranean Advisory Council (MEDAC)

Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE)

Mediterranean Platform of Artisanal Fishers (MedArtNet)

GFCM working group on small-scale fisheries to facilitate the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in the GFCM region by developing national action plans and taking into account recommendations from relevant events and existing experience within the region and beyond
GFCM data collection tool for the annual submission of data on small-scale fisheries
Support of the FAO SSF Guidelines implementation
UNEP MAP Barcelona - Mediterranean Strategy on Sustainable Development (MSSD)

Comparing and integrate genomics, fishery biology data and experience-based knowledge to assess fishery resources status and support their management

Toolkit (Strategic Options and strategic paths) for the sustainable management of marine ecosystems. Build bottom-up participatory approach for evolutionary-based fisheries management (three workshops)


Small-scale fisheries governance toolkit for comanagement with representatives of MPAs with representatives of Small-Scale Fisheries

The MSSD 2016-2025 was adopted by the Barcelona Convention contracting parties in 2016. It provides an integrative policy framework and a strategic guiding document for all stakeholders and partners to translate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the regional, sub regional and national levels. It aims to harmonise the interactions between socio-economic and environmental goals, adapt international commitments to regional conditions, guide national strategies for sustainable development, and stimulate regional cooperation between stakeholders in the implementation of sustainable development.

Mediterranean sustainable development Dashboard (Ref indicators for biodiversity status assessment)