realizată de courtney williams 12 ani în urmă
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Society#3 Pros
anyone that can recieve a paycheck in shangi knows how much tax that is coming there way. China is in a great city for earning money. Many people in china make poerty and woodblocks. China invented many things like icecream, Gun powder and toliet paper.
Society#3 Cons
The use of torture has been widely, and for many years it has executed more people than any other country in the world, carrying out more than three-quarters of the world's executions.
Society#3 Pros
Right now one of the biggest advantages is China's ability to keep it's currency under valued, creating a trade balance, favorable to them.One advantage is that the trade agreement t will bring two types of benefits: economic benefits in the form of expanding jobs and income for Americans.
Society#3 Cons
There’s a saying in China “if the government wants to bring you down, they will bring you down”. In the U.S. there are carefully crafted laws and a strict Constitution that guarantee certain rights in China there are no such things.
Soiety#3 Pros
The Chinese government doesn't like much dissent, so new things can happen more quickly.. Of course that has downsides, but the pro here is how good their government is.The Chinese government can make the hard decisions, something that is America, through it’s current debt crisis, has demonstrated it can’t.
Society#3 Cons
"The previous Olympics, were estimated to have cost about $15 billion, whereas this society's Olympics cost a huge $40 billion, indicating just how important this event was to the members of the society." This put them in debt by spening to much money on the Olympics.
Society #4 (Socially--pros):
Before the British came in, the people who were living in Sierra Leone were very happy and they were living happily.
Society #4 (Socially--cons):
Once the war started, they started killing each other because they thought that the more people that they would kill, the more freedom that they would have.
Also after the war started, they had the children fight in the war because the men were too drunk to fight in the war. Because of this, many of the children are scarred for life and majority of the children now have some kind of mental disease due to the fact that they were fighting in battle.
Society #4 (Economically--pros):
Their main export is the diamond. They are one of the top ten diamond producers in the world.
Everybody had a job before the revolution started.
Society #4 (Economically--cons):
They were spending all of their money on getting (and making) weapons instead of feeding the people.
Society #4 (Politicallly--pros):
Their leader put them into a bloodshed (war) that lasted for ten years and they even had children fight in the military. (It is in one of the last paragraphs.)
They are now deciding on a new leader for their country. In fact, they just held an election for a new leader back in 2012.
Society #4 (Politically--cons):
The citizens were rebelling against the government because they didn't want to follow the government's rules and laws.
Not everyone went to every event. Many children and parents might have not gotton along and fought and dissobay there children and parents.In catching fire everthing is messed up such as the capitol thinks there are to many people so they have a hunger games everyyear and the last one to LIVE gets a lot of food and money so atleast 25 people die and only 1 person lives.
They created poor laws that didn't even make sense, so, the people did it anyway. For example, in the 1950's in the U.S., the stupid law that they made was that the African-Americans were to be separated from the Caucasions. The African-Americans had to drink and go to different bathrooms than the Caucasions.
Many of the leaders in Dystopian societies such as these four societies end up causing a holocaust, a genocide, or anything having to cause to kill other people. For example, the Nazis put the Jewish people into concentration camps and killed them all. Or like Sierra Leone in which they also had the children fight in the revolution.
Alot of people probaly might have not liked or hated there leader and the rules and laws he/she made. They might not know or understand the community and proablys nervers ask what the people want and everyone does the oppisite and everythings falls out of place and it doesn't turn out right.In The book im reading catching fire everyone hates there leaders and make so many lawas and rules noone else likes so everyone is suffering and in miserery.
The societies that fall usually have a very corrupt (or poor) government. If you look at Germany, you will see that they were willing to take any person on if they offered to be their new leader. And what happened? Adolf Hitler took over and Hitler destroyed basically all of the Jews in the world. The same thing happened in Rome: they were willing to except any new Emperor, which kind of destroyed them because the Emperor (most of the time) didn't really care about the people of their Empire. They abused the power that they were given to suit themselves. Nero, for example, held very lavish plays and most of the time, Nero was in it doing one of the roles. Even in the book Divergent, the government was very corrupt and they were willing to accept anybody who was in the top of the rankings.
Society #2 Pros
People started to get more friends and cars started to be made a lot more. Suburban houses were far from jobs, schools, and businesses.With the need for cars on the rise, car companies produced roughly 8 million new cars per year during this time. Stores and buiness malls started to move closer to were people live. The biggest item that people loved and started to use a lot was tevelison and comuters.
Society #2 Cons
The commercials on TV also helped the economy; not only did they provide money to the broadcaster, but viewers were strongly influenced by these commercials and many went out and bought the advertised items.But, The americans went in dedt after making so many commericals.
Society #2 Economic Pros
There were a number of developments in the business sector in the capital markets and other financial intermediaries during the 1950's.The Social security taxes also played a role as they both nearly doubled throughout the decade.
Society#2 Economic Cons
Second is the Baby Boom and the economic prosperity that followed World War II. These forces made the teenage subculture of which students today still are a part. This connection will be valuable in exposing middle schoolers to the idea that they are part of a historical process that has changed over time
Society# 2 Pros USA 1950-1970's
The president had learned under the tremendous pressure of his military duties that time to relax was essential to good decision-making.
The Republican Party was deeply divided between its isolationist conservatives, who felt that America should stay out of foreign affairs.
Society#2 Potitical Cons
Political leaders soon became involved in a group which worked to beat, whip, and murder thousands, and intimidated tens of thousands of others from voting. People often tried to fight back, but they were outnumbered and out gunned. While the main targets of this wrath were members of the minority community, they could be murdered for almost any reason.
Society #1 (Socially--pros):
Everybody was happy because they had a job.
The Nazis tortured the Jews and many others because they believed that they were getting rid of the people who were making them go in debt. In order to get rid of them, they decided that they would murder them.
Society #1 (Socially--cons):
They were killing their own neighbors because they were told to. They probably had to attend at least one funeral a week (for those of them who weren't Jewish).
Society #1 (Economically--pros):
Nazi Germany had a very strong economy.
Hitler (the leader of Nazi Germany--born in Austria) brought Nazi Germany out of debt. It was in debt due to World War I..
Everybody had a job and they were happy with their jobs and/or positions.
Society #1(Economically--cons):
They went corrupt after the holocaust because they spent so much money destroying the jews that they didn't have money to spend anywhere else.
Society #1 (political--pros):
They had a strong military. (first post)
At first, they did have a good leader who brought them out of debt and out of poverty into a society in which everyone has a job and everybody is happy. (It's in one of the first paragraphs on the doc)
Society #1 (political--cons):
Hitler launched the society into a holocaust that would kill almost all of the jews in Europe (Germany really).
It became so corrupt, that many buisinesses had to shut down and they went into bankrupcy.