3) Islam and Leadership

Definition of Leadership

process by which the leader seeks the voluntary participation of followers to reach organisational objectives


office/position of leader; head of political party etc


ability to lead/influence people; influence an organised group to accomplish its goals


guidance; presence of particular influence on a relationship

Concept & Principle of Leadership in Islam

Leadership (Al-Qiyadah) associated with al-Siyāsah, al-Siyādah, al-Imāmah, al-´Umara´, al- Ri‘āyah, al-Wilāyah, al-Ri´āsah and al-Khilāfah

based on principle of trust (amanah)-trusted to lead a group-held responsible to both group members and God

focus of leadership in Islam -> do good; protect,treat,guide group member

leader should act only to implement Allah's laws on earth

should based on principle of Tawhid (basis of everything in Islam)

Definition of khalifah

1. Vigerency of Adam (khalifah adam)

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:30)- Allah announces His agenda to create a khalifah on earth

Al-Qurtubi: khalifah refers exclusively to prophet Adam

2. Vigerency of Man on the Earth (fil ardhi khalifah)

Al-Tabari: Allah creates His vicegerent to implement His rulings among His creatures

refers to Adam A.S and who follow him in obedience to Allah

3. Khalaif

Surah Yunus (10:14)- signify a certain group of people

Kalif,khalfah,nations'faith.khalāif as a derivative of the word khalīfah signifies the nations succeeding perishable past nations destroyed due to their rejection of faith

Classification of Khalifah

Khalifah Al-Ammah

Terms: Khalīfah kawniyyah (Vicegerent in the universe)- Farhat, Natural khalīfah- Sayyid Sikandar. Al-Najjār- Khilāfah wujūdiyah (Vicegerency in existence).

Al-Najjar somehow accurate because he relates the purpose of human existence in universe- all human beings irrespective of their belief,race,color,ideology and social status

Allah does not restrict the dignity of this position to a certain group of mankind

Natural Khalifah- all mankind by nature are vicegerent of Allah

the covenant (misaq) is fitrah that Allah imbued

suppose to discharge the responsibilites according to what Allah ascertained in His revelation

Khalaif cited from Surah Fatir (35:39) signifies humankind in general as khalifah

The divine order sets that non-believers are perished and replaced by the believers- refers initially to all mankind that succeds one another

only confined to Muslims/ those who believe in Allah and worship Him alone

Duty of every individual Muslim according to his capacity to develop and improve the quality of life in this world to be a conducive place, which eventually leads to the attainment of Allah’s pleasure

Khalifah Al-Khassah (Khalifah in Political Inst)

Surah Sad (38:26) refers to prophet Dawud A.S, Allah commands him to judge them justly and fairly and not according to his desire

Qualification of leader

1. Al-Amanah- internal qualities

2. Al-Quwwah- physical strength (all aspects of human strength)

Duty of replacing and succeeding the Prophet S.A.W. in establishing Islam as a religion and administrating the worldly affairs following Islamic teachings

Responsibilities of Khalifah

Khalifah Al-Ammah

1) Implementation of Wills of Allah

actualise his purpose of life and discharge Allah's duties in conformation with the Divine laws

man acts as a representative of Allah on the earth.


1. the absolute authority vests in Allah

2. a man merely implements His laws

3. the administration of laws is strictly in conformation with the limits prescribed by Him

4. in the administration of His law, man will execute his will and fulfil his purpose of life

man is not endowed with absolute freedom to exercise it according to his desires.

2) Performance of ʿAmal Ṣāliḥ

to make sure the duty given to him is fulfilled with the standard of ʿamal ṣāliḥ

Surah al-Nur (24:55)

3) Administration and Development of the World

develop the world and build up civilisation imbued with
the values of humanity- Surah Hud (11:61)

this āyah requires mankind to develop the earth for their benefit

to build up the world to make it a comfortable place to live

Any form of corruption and mischief must be avoided and combated

4) Promotion of Goodness and Prevention of Vices

a man ought to know the Qur’anic mechanism to ensure that Allah's commands are executed accordingly, and His prohibitions are avoided

man is dutybound to enjoin good and forbid evil according to his ability and capacity

Failure to accomplish this duty will result in the destabilisation of world development and environmental pollution

Khalifah Al-Khassah

To defend and maintain the religion

To decide on legal disputes

To protect the territory of Islam

To punish wrongdoers

To organise and collect taxes

To pay salaries and administer public funds

To appoint competent officials

To give personal attention to the details of government

Characteristics of Leaders in Islam

1. Taqwa (piety): God-conciousness

Qur’anic commentators define Taqwā as being conscious of God, pious toward God, and god-fearing

cautious because he knows that God sees his actions and thoughts

distinct characteristic of leaders in Islam which differentiate it from the non-Islamic concept of leadership

al-Qur´ān, Allah S.W.T. mentioned the stories of His Prophets who were given the power of leadership, such as Prophet Dāwud A.S, Sulaymān A.S and Yūsuf A.S (Surah al-Naml 27:40)

an Islamic leader would not lead his people to breach Allah’s Sharīʿah and turn their backs on the Prophet’s Sunnah (Surah al-Nisa 4:59)

Al-Qur´ān also illustrates the example of a leader who was not Muttaqīn as a lesson to be learnt. e.g: Firʿawn, who disbelieved in Allah S.W.T (Surah al-Qasas 28:4)

2. Fatanah wa Hikmah: Knowledgeable and wise

Leaders are expected to be knowledgeable and skilled in both individual and collective obligatory knowledge (fard al-ayn & fard al-kifayah)

Al-Qur'an also depicts a number of great leaders who possessed knowledge and wisdom

1) Talut- Due to his wisdom and physical power, Allah S.W.T. picked him to be the king of Ban Israil (Surah al-Baqarah 2:247)

2) Prophet Dawud and Sulayman A.S- Allah SWT chose both prophets not only to be His Messengers in preaching Tawhid to their people, but also to be great leaders in their kingdoms due to the knowledge given to them (Sūrah al-Naml 27:15)

3) Prophet Yusuf A.S- He was appointed finance minister by the King of Egypt due to his economic knowledge and wisdom (Surah Yusuf 12:54-55)

good communication skill (al-Tablīgh) is another leadership quality

leader must clearly communicate the mission's purpose and inspire others to follow it

Communication is essential for persuading followers to take action

3. Imkaniyyah: Full capability

Acapable leader is defined by three qualities: physical prowess, spiritual advancement, and outstanding mental ability

Example: Prophet Yusuf (Surah Yusuf 12:56)

1) Physical ability: He was young and physically attractive, indicating his complete physical ability and healthy well-being in completing the task as a leader

2) Spiritual elevation: His ability to resist women's seduction demonstrates his spiritual fortitude and high moral character in holding the position

3) Mental ability: His ability to remain patient and steadfast in the face of adversity since childhood demonstrates his mental fortitude in dealing with any situation that necessitates the calmness of a leader.

4) Intellectual ability: His ability to provide a wise solution to Egypt's economic recession demonstrates his intellectual strength and wisdom in ensuring the people's well-being.

4. Uswah Hasanah: Excellent example

Uswah Hasanah can be found in the Messenger S.A.W. because those who follow his example will be on the straight path that leads to Allah's blessings

Uswah Sayyi'ah can be found in following the example of others in matters contrary to his teachings

Prophet's characteristics as a leader

1) Siddiq (truthfulness)- The truth should always be spoken, and a leader should always act honestly (surah al-Najm 53:3-4)

To ensure dependability and responsibility to society, truthfulness is required in speech, intention, resolution fulfilment, action, and all stations along the path.

2) Adalah (Justice)- Islam urges Muslims to implement justice to all.

Prophet Muhammad S.A.w as a Perfect & an Exemplary Leader

1. Political

He managed to establish a religious-political structure, namely: "State of Medina"

2. Social

The Islamic community ( ́ummah) built by him in Madinah was intended to foster solidarity among the Muslims