Citizens in indebtedness/Insolvency Syndrome
Psycatric specialist care
Primary care /Somatic care
Provided by Primary Care or/and Municipalaties
Mandatory & Legislated Interprofessional care, must be a requirement.
Psyciatric specialistcare: Insolvency Syndrom/Overindebtedness is often a Leaethal condition (increasesd Suicide completion and suicide attempts). Decreased mental ilness and wellbeing.
*Inpatient Care *Psychotherapy *SCREENINGS - Suicidal Risk - Anxiety - Depression - PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome) *Drug Therapies
Primary and somatic care: Insolvency syndrome/overindebtedness. The cauce of high incidence of decreased average age, health and wellbeing.
*General Health Examinations *Psychotherapies *Drug Therapies *Health Follow ups *Healthpromoting consultations *Physiotherapies *Remittance (2 Specialist care)
Competenses to be added, to embrace the complexity of Insolvensy Syndrome/overindebtedness
Idea-model of praxis to standardise multiprofessional interventions in support of indebted citizens, within the EU.
Administration and governing, varies from country to country.