Cell Analogy
Lysosomes act as a waste center or a trash truck because they
break down food particles, cell wastes , and worn out
cell parts and so do waste centers.
The small vacuoles in animal cells act like a water towerbecause they store food/water and a wate tower storeswater as well as the vacuoles.
The endoplasmic reticulum sort of acts like the streets/ roads of Pacific Grove because it ranspots/moves protiens and fats
around the cell.
Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane acts like a gate to the city(cell) because it is an outer layering of the cell that only lets certain things out and in, protecting the cell.
The Nucleus is like the City hall of Pacific Grove because the nucleus is like the control center of the cell and It holds the cell's DNA.

The ribosomes in the cell are like restaurants in Pacific Grove because restaurants are places where chefs are constantly
making food and in the cell, ribosomes are constantly making
The mitochondria is sort of like a power plant
because power plants create power for the city
like how mitochondria's create energy by turning
sugars into energy, and making ATP.

The cyoplasm is kind of like the lawns/forests because
its a jelly like substance that is sort of the "background"
of the cell and its what the organelles float around in.
Golgi Bodies

The golgi bodies are like a post office because they
store/package/sort proteins into vessicles.