Changes That Heal
Three Ingredients of Growth
grace and truth
grace and truth divided
truth without grace
grace without truth
grace and truth together
the real selve versus the false self
the guilt barrier
redemptive time
but why does it take so long?
good time and bad time
a second chance
grace, truth, and time together
Bonding to Others
what is bonding?
what is bonding?
the biblical basis
God is not alone
God is love
when relationship was broken
a developmental perspective
the importance of bonding
beware of false teachers
the benefits of attachment
when we fail to bond
symptoms of failure to bond
feelings of meaninglessness
feelings of badness and guilt
distorted thinking
fears of intimacy
feelings of unreality
excessive caretaking
barriers to bonding
past injury
distorted thinking
our view of ourselves
"I am bad"
"I am unlovable."
"Something about me scares people away."
"My sins are worse than other people's sins."
"I don't deserve love."
"My neediness will overwhelm anyone."
"My need for others is not valid."
"My feelings will overwhelm anyone."
our view of others
"No one is trustworthy."
"People will always leave me."
"People are mean and critical."
"People will disapprove of me."
"People will control me."
"People are faking their care."
our view of God
"He really doesn't love me."
"God doesn't care about the way I feel. He just wants me to be good."
"He just wants 'good Christians'."
"He gets angry at me."
"He doesn't hear me."
"He doesn't answer prayer."
"He will control me and take away my freedom."
"He won't forgive me for ..."
defense mechanisms
reation formation
learning God's ways
learning to bond
skills for bonding
realize the need
move toward others
be vulnerable
challenge distorted thinking
take risks
allow dependent feelings
recognize defenses
become comfortable with anger
pray and meditate
be empathic
rely on the Holy Spirit
say yes to live
Separating from Others
what are boundaries?
no boundaries
biblical basis for boundaries
our physical appearance
our attitudes
our feelings
our behavior
our thoughts
our abilities
our desires
our choices
our limits
negative assertions
how we develop boundaires
becoming separate
increasing separateness
when we fail to develop boundaries
crossing over boundaries
when we fail to develop boundaries
learning to set boundaries
Sorting Out Good and Bad
what is the problem?
when we fail to accept good and bad
learning to accept both good and bad
Becoming an Adult
what is adulthood?
when we fail to grow up
learning to become mature adults