the syestem unit
processing and memory
aPorts and Connectors
rPhort is a connector on the exterior of a computer to which a device may be attached.
The additional ports that we use
degital data representation
rmost digital computers are binary computers and represented by digital 0 and 1.
coding system for text
rtext based by data and represented by binary coding syestem.
rASCII belonged to American standard code for information interchange
rEtended Binary Code Dismal Interchange Code
rAn international coding system that used to represent text based data in any writing language.
rthe part of CPU core that performs logical operations and integer arithmetic
rThe part of the CPU core that performs decimal arithmetic
rThe part of CPU that corrdinates its operation
rIs orders data and instruction from cache or RAM based on the current task.
rThe part of the CPU core that translate instructions into a form that can be processed by the ALU and FPU.
rIn a computer which is an electronic path over which data travel
rThe connection between the CPU and RAM.
rThe bus that connected the CPU via the I/O bridge to the rest of the bus architecture.
rOne of the buses most commonely used to connect peripheral the new computer has been replaced with the PCI express
rUniversial serial Bus allows 127 different divices to connect to a computer via a single USBport on the computer system unit.
rIs a high speed bus standarded developed by Apple for connecting divices particularly multimedia devices like digital video cameras to a computer.
The Motherboard
rA circuit board containing a computer chips and other electronic is inside the system unit.
rIs a chip that located on the motherboard of a computer and performs the processing of a computer.
rrefer to a chip based storage.
rIt is a hight speed memory built into a CPU
Random Access Memory (RAM)
rIt called main memory
rConsist of nonvolatile chips that store data or programs
rConsist of nonvolatile memory chips that can be used for storage by a computer or users
the binary numbering system
rthe smallest unit of data digital computer
Coding Systems for Other Types of Data
ralphabet character and special symbol such as comma and dollar sign
rConsist of image , such as photographs or drawings
raudio data such as song or the sound of someone speaking
rVideo data such as home movie, feature film, video clips, and televisions show
Representing Software Programs
rsoftware program represented by 0s and 1s.
rbinary based language for representing computer program