Coaching as an educational strategy

It's intrinsically linked to educational process
It follows the new educational trends
What is
"Coaching is an interactive and systemic process of learning and discovering individual potential, focused on the present and geared towards change and excellence" (Sánchez-Miróny Boronat-Mundina, 2013 p. 225)
"It aims to develop the autonomy of the students, being the protagonist of the steps to follow and the result obtained" (Sánchez-Miróny Boronat-Mundina, 2013 p. 225)
Application of educational
Piñero et al (2013) states that educational coaching should transmit, teach and guide students, teachers and parents.
Hue (2012) indicates that directives should use coaching to acquire or reinforce the competencies to facilitate leadership.
It is not correct what is wrongly done giving directions, but it is to help the potential of students be unleashed.
Teacher should let students to identify how they learn instead of teach them. "Teaching hides the natural and innative ability to learn. (Withmore, 2018 p. 27)
Students take the charge of their life, being responsible for it, committing themselves to their personal and academic goals.
It means to promote a change of attitude in the students that leads them to be proactive in achieving their goals (Casado Fuente et al, 2010)
To have a good educational coaching as a learning strategy, it is important to have in mind the following aspects:
Define the goals and objectives to improve
Highlight the positive aspects and strengths of students
Identify what aspects could be improved in order to achieve the goals
Generate learning from the commitments and action
Fundamental characteristics of an educational coaching
It is important to highlight the following characteristics of the coaching as an educational strategy.
Improve the inner voice. People have themselves the potential to improve their performance
The role of the coach is not “correct what is wrongly done” giving instructions and opinions but to help the potential be unleashed.
The role of the coach, in this case what is wrongly done” giving corrections but to help the potential of student be unleashed.
According to Whitmore (2018), teachers should let students to identify how they learn instead of teach them. “teaching hides the natural and innate ability to learn” (Whitmore, 2018. P, 27)
What a teacher should do is to observe the students in order to give them the enough tools with the purpose of making their personal and academic performance the closest thing to the performance of the expert. Druckman and Bjork (1991).
Teachers should boost students to achieve their own goals, guiding them to identify and overcome the obstacles to success, increasing self- awareness
Students should be the protagonist of their own learning, developing their autonomy, following the steps and the result obtained (Sanchez- Mirón and Boronat- Mundina 2013)