Common Test Techniques
Fill in the gaps
Answer can be found in the text.
It is specially for reading and listening.
Missing works are to be found in the text or audio
This works well in tests of gramar and vocabulary.
One word is permitted in each gap.
Multiple Choice Techniques
The technique test only recongnition knwoledge
Guessing may have a considerable but unknowable effect on test scores
The technique severely restrics what can be tested
Its very difficult to write siuccesful ítems
Backwash may be harmful
Cheating may be facilitated
Yes/No and True/False items
They are well suited for the assessment for both
Answer can take short period of time.
Cover significant points.
Short Answer Items
Contribute less score
Should be easier to write
Is not restricted by the distractors
Cheating is defficult
Responses may take longer
Scoring may take longer
Scoring invalid or unreliable
Productiono of language