Comp SCi
CPT Part 2
Unit 4:Functions & Methods
Built-in functions like the math function will be used as presets throughout to code to make the coding process for my game efficient
I will use the "using functions" lesson to properly apply all my functions into my Code seamlessly and properly
Unit 5:Strings, Arrays and GUI
Using built in Java arrays to make code easier and more to my level.
Searching and sorting ray can also help me organize my functions, loops and arrays.
Unit 1: Input, Process, Output
Responsible for the original installation of the scanner as apart of the code
Responsible for initializing variables
Creating Word outputs including questions from the riddler and Backstory of the adventure game.
Unit 2: Variables and Selection
Unit 2 is responsible for any Pseudocode apart of my Cpt. The pseudocode keeps my code organized
simple If/else statements will be responsible for majority of the Codes process of excepting or denying answers as well as letting the user proceed through the game
Complex if else statements will also be used if the user is to complete a question wrong and must be brought to a side mission.
Unit 3: Repetition and Loops
Using random number utility for certain questions throughout the adventure game
Error code and error checking will be used throughout the entire code when coming to stumping during the creation of Code.
If a user inputs an incorrect input, a do while loop will let user know the input is incorrect