Concept Analysis: End of Life Care


Palliative Care



Definition 3: End of Life care refers to health care, not only of a person in the final hours or days of their lives, but more broadly care of all those with a terminal condition that has become advanced, progressive, and incurable. (Wikipedia)

Definition 4: Care given to people who are near the end of life and have stopped treatment to cure or control their disease. (NCI Dictionary of Cancer terms)

The complete care of an individual and their loved ones after the diagnosis of a terminal illness/event. (Taylor)


Chronic Illness

Acute Diagnosis

Definition 1: the term used to describe the support and medical care given during the time surrounding death. (National Institute of Aging

Definition 2: multidimensional and multidisciplinary physical, emotional, and spiritual care of the patient with terminal illness, including support of family and caregivers. (The free dictionary by Farley-Medical)