Curriculum Web
At the art table, We will provide paper plates, popsicle
sticks, crayons or markers, scissors and tape.
ECE's role
Verbal Strategy
Open ended questions: "How are you feeling right now?"
Exchanging Point of view: "I feel excited! I am going to make a big happy mask"
I will model to the children by looking in the mirror and identifying my facial expression at that moment. I will encourage them to identify their emotions and make a face mask.
Children's role
The children will use the materials to create an emotion face mask and share their feelings with peers and teachers.
Small Group
In the dramatic area, there will be a box labeled "the feeling box" that contains different kinds of mini emoji pillows.
ECE's role
Verbal Strategy
Teacher will as questions such as: "what emotion did you get?" "How can you act it out to your peers?"
Behavioural Strategy
The teacher will model picking up one emoji pillow from the box and act it out to the children.
Children's role
Children will pick one pillow and act out the emotion and other students will guess what it is.
Large Group
In the sensory area, children will be provided with emotion cue cards while the song "If you are Happy" is being played.
ECE's role
Verbal Strategy
The teacher will sing along with the children.
Behavioural Strategy
The teacher will participate by holding up an emotion cue card that matches with the song along with the body movement.
Student's role
The children will hold the cue card and take turn to lead the song according to the song lyrics.