Developing vs Devloped Countries
High Per Capita Income
People make more money overall because they have better education, jobs, and higher paying jobs
Low Level of Unemployment
Not as many people are without jobs
that are looking for a job
Advanced techniques of Production
Have better technology to get the same job done
Better equipment
High Rate of Savings
People make more money so they are able to save more
money and make bigger purchases
Better Education
People seek out education such as universities and have reasonable access to them
Poor Infrastructure
Because the foundation of a country is poor, such as government and economic stability, it is increasingly harder to be successful in developing countries.
Lower Standard of Living
People live in poorer homes and communities. They conform to poor standards of living.
Wider Income Inequalities
The margin between the poor and the wealthy is large, making it an oligarchy and the rich stay rich while the poor get poorer
Traditional and Inefficient
Methods of Production
The poorer countries are normally very traditional and avoid new, more efficient, methods of technology and prefer to use what they are accustomed to.
More Agricultural Jobs
Because people live in more rural areas, they tend to have more agricultural jobs and tend not to adopt the technology required to advance economically.
How to get out of the rut
Get a loan from the World Trade Organization, develop technology and better communities and create policies that decrease the margin between the higher and lower classes