Factors that influance river energy
Speed of flow on the river

roughness of channel
how the presence of obstacles would cause friction between the water and channel and affects the speed
How it affect
A rough channel reduces the speed of the river because of high friction
A smooth channel increases the speed of the river because of lower friction

Gradient of channel
The speed of the river depends on the gradient / steepness of the channel
How it affect
A gentle gradient causes the speed of the river to be low
A steep gradient causes the speed of river to be high
Wetted perimeter
The shape of a river channel affects the wetted perimeter , which is the length and breadth of the channel in contact with the river's water
How it affect
A large wetted perimeter causes the speed of the river to be low because there is a lot of friction
A small wetted perimeter causes the speed of the river to be high because there is less friction
Volume of the river

Size of Drainage basin
What ?
How a size of drainage affect the voulme of river
Large drainage = large sureface area = large amount of water
how it affect ?
A small drainage area result in a small volume of water in the river .
A large drainage basin result in large volume of water in the river .
Presence of vegetation
What ?
How the presence of vegetation affect the volume of a river
How it affect ?
Abundant vegetation decrease , the amount of surface runoff , thus reducing the amountof water in the river
Sparse vegetation leads to high surface runoff , thus increasing the amount of water in a river .
Permeability of rocks
How it affect ?
High permeabilty increase infiltration and decrease runoff , Thus, volume of water in the river is low .
Low permeabilty decrease infiltation and increase runoff .Thus , the volume of water in the river is high
The climate affect the volume of water in its channel
How it affect ?
PLaces with high rainfall have a higher volume of water in the river
Places with low rainfall have a lower volume of water in the river