Food colourant
1) Annato
reddish-orange color
1. Good heat and light stability
2. pH range 4 and above
3. Ex: chesse, snacks and potatoes
2) Paprika
1. Good heat and light stability
2. pH range 2 to 8
3. Ex: beverages and dairy
3) Lycopene
1. Good heat and light stability
2. pH range 3 to 7
3. Ex: pickle, mustard, cereals and yogurt
4) Betaline
blue-red hue
1. Good heat and light stability
2. pH range 4 to 7
3. Ex: Dairy, food preparing and instant beverages
5) Copper chlorophylin
light-dark green
1. Good heat and light stability
2. pH range 3.5-7.5
3. Ex: Ice-cream and beverages
6) Anthocynins
1. Good heat and light stability
2. pH range 3.5-7
3. Ex: Fruit juices

Lakes was preferred in variety of applications such as:
1. To color a fat based product
2. For "hard panning" Ex: To dye outside of product such as ,an m&m type products
3. Lakes tend to resist bleeding- Have tendency ti migrate from one part of product to another
7 Artificial colorate approved toused:(primary color)
1) FD&C Blue No. 1 Brilliant Blue
2. FD&C Blue No. 2 Indigotine
3. FD&C Green No. 3 Fast Green
4. FD&C Red No. 40 Allura Red
5. FD&C Red No. 3 Enthroine
6. FD&C Yellow No. 5 Tartrazine
7. FD&C Yellow No. 6. Sunset Yellow
Additional color for specific foods
1. Orange B = Used for sausage casing and hot dog
2. Citrus Red 2 = To color orange peel