Guiding Principles
Leadership is key
Honest and capable leaders are needed to maintain stability in goverment and to make the right decision for the country.
These leaders must have moral courage and integrity to do what is right and not what is popular with the people.
Potential leaders are specially selected and groomed.
Besides talent and ability, leaders are also selected based on their good character.
Our leaders must be incorruptible so as to win the confidence and respect of the people.
Reward for work and work for reward
Meritocracy rewards hard work and so, the brightest and the best will be rewarded.
When people are rewarded based on their abilities and hard work, they are encouraged to do well.
Meritocracy help to give everyone an equal opprtunity to achieve their best and be rewarded, regardless of race, religion and socioeconomic background.
For example, surplus from Singapore's growth has also been shared amongst all through the Pgress Package.
Meritocracy ensures that there will always be talents and transparency will help to encourage openness
Anticipate change and stay relevant
Leaders need to be forward-looking.
It is important to plan ahead to meet the future needs.
Hence, the leaders must have foresight, vision and imagination to come up with the right policies.
The government has to be open to new ideas and be willing to take risks.
For example, some decisions are made in anticipation of the future, like NEWater, intergrated resorts and taking risks.
A stake for everyone, oppotunities for all
Every citizen willl have a say in decision-making to develop the people's sense of belonging to the country.
Every community is treated fairly in Singapore so that the interests of the various communities are kept in balance.
No community is disadvantaged or favoured by and government policy.
By practicing multi-racialism, we enjoy religious freedom and use four official languages.
For example, minority groups are also given a say in governance through GRC system.