impact e-porfolios on learning


Dearing 1997

encourage HE to record reflect and build on achievement

DfES 2003 &2005

UK Govt supportive of all insitutions personal online work space

QCA's 2009

Blueprint E assessment

accept and assess e-porfolios



what is an e-P?

personal online space 'space for learning'

store work

record achievement (repository)

access personal course timetable (organising)

digital resources (personalised info)

links ot other learners (collaboration and feedback)

Beyond learning institutions - use throughout life

tool to market yourself

Product - purposeful selection of items chosen at a point in time

Process - capture ongoing storage of material, selection reflection and presentation

enhance learning

Some form of judgement or assessment


support learning

Govt policy

DfES policy - 'encompass personal portfolio to every school by 200'8


Formal assessment mandated UK schools using e-portfolios 2009

expectation learners e-portfolio creators

privacy and ownership

drop in achievenment and engagement - tranisition points Yr 6-7


current insitution/teachers/parents/future teachers

admissions officers/employers

organisation culture

planning approaches

approaches to teaching and learning - personalisation

role of teachers and tutors

ongoing professional learning

teams rather than en masse training

appropriate and reliable technology

efficient implementation

clear plans & goals

constructivist approach - personalisation

collaboration teachers and tutors

targeted professional learning

appropriate SW & HW

use of evidence in all forms

information overload


longitudinal studies - benfits personal and collaborative online spaces

Research focus on self esteem and confidence

Potential audiences

how ready are they to use e-P's

how ready to understand e-P's

how ready to assess e-P's

Data mining

insitutional level

local level

wider level

privacy guidelines

21C learning

Life long learners

engagement and motivation

goal setting and reflection

feedback adn collaboration


progression and retention

self esteem

process of growth

benefit learning

innovative practice

new capacities enabled?

problems solved

implication for non implementation

joined-up teaching and learning approach

online repositories

planning and communication tools

draw on aspects of e-porfolios in time and circumstance

support personal organisation

Support reflection and presentation to range audiences

engagement and motivation


students 'own way'

familiarity with computing environment

increasing self esteem

goal setting and reflection

requires self knowledge

subject knowledge

quantitive data on (Table 3 Becta) students increased capacity to think about their own learning

scaffloding of ideas

see gaps in visual display

feedback and callaboration

teacher /student


student/student another school



storing and presenting evidence


makes the evidence of attainment more obvious

self esteem

Impact learning outcomes


Impact study of e-portfolios on learning June 2007 page 1 of 108 © Becta 2007 Evidence and research directorateThe research team Team leaderDr Elizabeth Hartnell-Young, University of NottinghamResearchersProfessor Colin Harrison, University of NottinghamDr Charles Crook, University of NottinghamDr Richard Pemberton, University of NottinghamDr Gordon Joyes, University of NottinghamTony Fisher, University of NottinghamLindsay Davies, University of NottinghamConsultantsProfessor Jean Underwood, Nottingham Trent UniversityDr Angela Smallwood, Centre for International ePortfolio Development, University of Nottingham

Support both pastoral andcurriculum outcomes

Support wide range of student abilities

achieving curriculum outcomes through purposeful activity

Attainment tangible

development, achievements, strengths and weaknesses visible

learners space for experimentation

integrated whole school/authority wide support

impact on learning processes

individual and group processes capturing and storing evidence

support further development

Scaffolding (templates for planning, calendars & goal setting exercises)

Feedback and collaboration

Connection between e-portfolios processes and emerging social software

evaluative framework


potential of e-portfolios for learning

Qu: has helped me learn 91%

which aspects of exisiting proecets have an impact on learning

whether these are transferable

is research-oriented


it's ability to do what it was designed to do)

Qu: Helps me judge if I've improved 82%

Commencing & sustaing e-P development

start small/suit local needs

initally e-P's support transition to lifelong repository

Differing implementation acoss diffrent areas