kinds of logic


the mixture of inductive inferences and deductive inferences is fomalized as the scientific method.

deductive inferences

definition: it starts with general knowledge and predicts a specific observation

inductive inferences

definition: reasoning from particular experiences to general truths

scientific method


the pupose of the scientific method is to make sure that nature hasn't misled you into thinking you know something you don't actually know.

categories of the logical statements:

1. statement of a problem


this step keeps you from taking a major wrong turn that might cause extra work in the future.

2. hypothesis as a cause to the problem

3. experiments designes to test each hypothesis


this part is the visual surface..this is the step where you test the hypothesis by putting a question to nature

4. predicted results of the experiments

5. observed results of the experiments

6. conclusions of the results of the experiments


in this step you state no more than the experiment has proven