Market structures.



There is more than one producer in this market system, but not tons of them

The products sold in this market are similar, not exact replicas of each other

Because of the high start-up costs it is not easy to get into this market

Due to there only being a few producers in this market they hcan slightly control their prices

Monopolistic Competition

Monopolistic Competition

There are many producers in this market they offer almost the same product but varried

The producers try to mke their products different from the other companies, although some are very similar

This market is not one of the more difficult ones to get into

They can control their pricing, however because there are many other companies who produce similar substitute products, they cannot fully control their pricing the way they would like to



Generally in monopolies there is only one producer of the good

It is also common that in a Monopoly market the product being sold is usually a very unique one

It is a very difficult market to just enter into

Because there is generally only one company they can set whatever type of price they want to

Perfect Competition

Perfect Competition

There are many producers and consumers in perfect competiton

Identical products (Also called commodities)

It is very easy to get into this market, no one producer can or will dominate this market

The producers are not able to set their own prices due to the amount of competing companies

Market failures

Imperfect competition
