The Mystery of Fractions
8. Assessment
Test 1
Test 2
7. Relaying Real Life Application
The "Real World"
6. Practice
Online Practice
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Dividing Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Classroom Practice
Fractions FlipBook
Coloring the Whole
A Composition of Fraction Application
1. Introduction
2. Important Questions to Ask
3. Definition Pit-Stop
4. Fraction Models
Colored Regions

Fraction Strips
Fraction Circles
The Set Model
Number Lines
5. How do we:
Add Fractions
1. Make sure both fractions have the same denominator
You might have to find a common denominator
2. Add the numerators of your first and second fraction. Keep your common denominator on the bottom.
Subtract Fractions
1. Make sure both fractions have a common denominator
Refer to above link in Adding Fractions for finding a common denominator
2. Subtract the numerator in the first fraction from the numerator in the second fraction. Keep the same common denominator on the bottom.
Divide Fractions
Algorithm 1: Divide by finding common numerators
Algorithm 2: Division by finding common denominators
Algorithm 3: Division by the "invert & multiply" rule
Using the Reciprocal
Multiply Fractions
1. Multiple the numerators of each fraction.
2. Multiply the denominators of both fractions.
Compare Fractions
Butterfly Method
Equivalent Fractions
Work with Mixed Numbers