Moonwalking with Einstein (chapters 1 and 2/ pages 27-123) Written by Joshua Foer
Memory- Summary from both Chapters 1 and 2
photographic (real or not)
training of the memory
long term and short term
image memory example
Memory Championship- Chapter 1
"Worlds smartest person" (32)
"highest IQ" (33)
Ben Pridmore's Memory (33-41)
memorize the order of decks
fifty thousand digits of pi
Ed Cooke/ Tony Buzan (40, 44)
Ed Cooke (40-72)
think in more memorable ways
memory palace
Baker/ Baker Paradox
Williem Wagenaar (81-82)
photographic memory
"in light of this one cannot say that any event was completely forgotten" (82)
brain- Summary from both Chapters 1 and 2
a mutable organ capable of neuroplasticity
the brain is a muscle and memory training is a form of a mental workout
Penfield came to believe that the brain records everything to which it pays any degree of conscious attention
Journalist S (Introduced on 65)
the man who remembered too much/ "This man was Unstoppable"
A never forgetting Alien
seeing words as colors or numbers and having a meaning to each word
Condition made him Unempolyable
Eleanor Maguire (103-108)
brought sixteen taxi drivers into her lab and examined their brains
mental athletes
visual memory and spatial navigation
Tony Buzan (44-57)
the brain is like a muscle
"never forget a telephone number or date" book (59)