Communication Styles: Passive, Assertive, and Aggresive.

A passive person is never thinking for themselves, only agreeing with others or doing what others do. I.E "the doormat".

An assertive person is trying to help other people, sometimes in conflicts, and kindly make them understand why their behaviour should be changed.

An aggressive person has a mean/loud tone, is name-calling, swearing, and saying that what they are doing is stupid and useless.
Types of bullying/examples.

Verbal bullying: Verbal bullying is when someone repeatedly makes fun of someone, using insults or other harmful words.
Trash talking

Sexual bullying: Sexual bullying is caused by someone repeatedly doing actions that someone may feel inappropriate or causing stress to them.
Sexual harassment
Touching without permission

Social bullying: Social bullying is when someone repeatedly spreads rumours or gossip in an attempt to cause someone harm.
Public shaming

Electronic/Digital: Electronic/digital bullying is when someone repeatedly spreads information or images of a person that makes that person feel harmed, or using methods of hacking or scamming to make someone feel unsafe, in the case of harassment.
Sharing personal information
Leaking images

Physical bullying: Physical bullying is when someone repeatedly uses their body, arms, legs, or other body parts to attack and hurt someone.

What is bullying and harassment and how are they different?
What is bullying? Bullying is someone repeatedly attempting to harm someone by abusing the power over someone else through either digital, verbal, social, sexual, or physical methods.

What is harassment? Harassment can be similar to bullying, and the way it is done can be the same way as bullying, but the intention is less to cause harm, and more to make someone feel unsafe or scared.

Resolving Conflict: Refusal, Delay, Negotiate.

Refusal is when someone is saying flat out NO to another person in conflict, though not necessarily in a mean tone.

Delaying is saying they will do it later or at another time, but since they don't want to respond, they are hoping the other person will forget.

Negotiation is when someone is trying to please everyone in a conflict and make all sides/people happy and feel they got something out of it.

Dangers of the use of technology
Examples of what could happen on technology if you aren't careful.
Hacking is when a person using digital methods to take control over someone's account.
Being Scammed
Scamming is when someone lies through a digital message such as a phone or E-mail in an attempt to gain money or personal information such as your address or bank information.
Leaking of personal information/images on social media.
Social media friends you haven't met in person could be frauds.
After school social media bullying/cyber bullying
Effect on bystander (The person watching and not interfering), bully (The person causing harm), or target (The person being harmed) in bullying

Effect on bully
Jail time (ONLY extreme scenarios)

Effect on bystander
Legal consequences (ONLY extreme cases)

Effect on the person being harmed
Feels unsafe/can't trust anyone
Mentally/Physically Hurt