Ruby Bridges
Born September 8, 1954
Tylertown, Mississippi
Grew up on a farm
Moved to New Orleans, and lived five blocks away from an all white school
William Frantz Elementary School

The First African-American child to attend an all white public elementary school
Tulane Univeresity
Personal Interests
Volunteers at William Frantz School
Ruby Bridges Foundation
Promotes tolerance,respect, and appreciation of differences
Important Dates
1954 Brown v. Board of Education: Decision to desegregate schools
November 14, 1960 Ruby's first day of school
Painting of Ruby "The Problem We All Must Live With" 1964 Norman Rockwell
Depicted young Ruby in the struggle just to attend her first day of school
Work Information
Worked for American Express as a travel agent
Full time parent of four boys
Subject of many books and movies