Sports Marketing

I've chosen Sports Marketing as my career choice. I will be exploring the strategies used in marketing to attract consumers and why it's important to an organization success

How much of a roll does Marketing have in Sports?

Identify key rolls in Sports Marketing over the last decade

Richard G. Trefey, APU Library; Author: Ratten Vanessa Journal: Marketing intelligence & planning

Identify multiple marketing outlets

Richard G. Trefey, APU Library; Author: Janoff, Barry Brandweek Article: ESPN Sports Marketing Walks the walk, Talks the talk

Why is it important to an organization to have a connection with the community?

Importance of public relations in sports marketing

Explore various promotion sectors in sports marketing


What are some of the strategies and goals of Marketing in Sports?

Identify Marketing Strategies

Richard G. Trefey, APU Library; Author:Ghosh, Indranil Journal: Marketing in sports: a tool for developing sports

Identify some goals of marketing in sports

Richard G. Trefey, APU Library; Author:Mihai, Alexandru Lucian, PhD Journal: The strategic sports marketing planning process

When was Sports Marketing created and what is the concept of sports marketing?

Identify various concepts of sports marketing

Identify ways Sports Marketing impact the world