financial studynciero

3.1 Objetiv

The cost of capital is the rate of return that the company must obtain on its investments so that its value in the market remains unchanged, taking into account that this cost is also the discount rate of future business profits, that is why the Manager of business finances should be provided with the necessary tools to make decisions about the investments to be made and therefore those that suit the organization best.


3.2 Determination of costs

comunicación no verbal(gestos)


comunicación verbal (tono de voz)

The cost of capital is the rate of return that the company must obtain on its investments so that its value in the market remains unchanged, taking into account that this cost is also the discount rate of future business profits, that is why the Manager of business finances should be provided with the necessary tools to make decisions about the investments to be made and therefore those that suit the organization best.

Topic principal

¿cuál es la diferencia de escuchar y oír ?

The cost of capital is the rate of return that the company must obtain on its investments so that its value in the market remains unchanged, taking into account that this cost is also the discount rate of future business profits, that is why the Manager of business finances should be provided with the necessary tools to make decisions about the investments to be made and therefore those that suit the organization best. de sonido

mientras que escuchar es entender y ponerse en su pellejo

ejemplo: la escucha activa(saber escuchar)

esperar a que termine de contar su situacion



3.3 Working capital



Topic principal

3.4 Total Initial Investmentl


elementos a evitar en la escucha activa

no distraerse

no juzgar

evitar el síndrome de "sabelotodo"

SubteThe cost of capital is the rate of return that the company must obtain on its investments so that its value in the market remains unchanged, taking into account that this cost is also the discount rate of future business profits, that is why the Manager of business finances should be provided with the necessary tools to make decisions about the investments to be made and therefore those that suit the organization best.


Topic principal

3.5 Cost of capital


3.6 Financiamiento

Los préstamos pueden provenir de empresas o personas naturales, o por la vía más tradicional, que es a través de créditos bancarios.

Financiamiento a largo plazo: el plazo para cancelar es mayor a un año, o no existe una obligación como tal de devolver el dinero. Un ejemplo de esta clase de financiamiento se realiza a partir de fondos de parientes o amigos.

Financiamiento interno: se obtiene de recursos disponibles de la empresa. Ej. Amortizaciones, fondos de reserva, etc.

Financiamiento externo: provienen de personas que no pertenecen a la empresa. ej.: préstamos bancarios.

The cost of capital is the rate of return that the company must obtain on its investments so that its value in the market remains unchanged, taking into account that this cost is also the discount rate of future business profits, that is why the Manager of business finances should be provided with the necessary tools to make decisions about the investments to be made and therefore those that suit the organization best.

An investment, in the economic sense, is a placement of capital to obtain a future profit, in order to have something better. The Initial Total Investment: It is known as the acquisition of all the fixed or tangible, deferred or intangible assets necessary to start the operations of a company.


An investment, in the economic sense, is a placement of capital to obtain a future profit, in order to have something better. The Initial Total Investment: It is known as the acquisition of all the fixed or tangible, deferred or intangible assets necessary to start the operations of a company.


An investment, in the economic sense, is a placement of capital to obtain a future profit, in order to have something better. The Initial Total Investment: It is known as the acquisition of all the fixed or tangible, deferred or intangible assets necessary to start the operations of a company.