A Connected Community: Finding Meaning Through Relationships
Career Days, Entrepreneurship Fairs
Ways the LC can Help Achieve these Goals & Visions
Academic Innovation: Authentic Learning
Developing innovative curriculum, focused on experiential, interdisciplinary, and inquiry-based approaches
Constructivist approach to learning & the need to make learning visible
Building a character education, focused on empathy and the interconnectivity of experiences.
Helping students acquire 21st century skills & competencies that are transferable in many contexts
Wellness: A Holistic Approach
Re-purpose an existing space to create a student centre that focuses on overall student wellbeing
Creating opportunities for students to develop healthy relationships with young women, both in person and virtually
Creating and maintaing a school culture based on happiness, support, and positivity
Creating responsible, global citizens
Using Ministry of Education's observations, conversations, and products to evaluate student learning and success
Create a curriculum which helps boys understand constructions of masculinities in order to help raise healthy and honourable males in a contemporary society
Create a cross-curricular reading & public speaking program to make reading, writing, listening, and speaking at the forefront
Authentic focus on student mental, physical, emotional, social wellbeing
Re-structuring of our chapel, with a nenewed focus on mindfulness, diversity in religions, spirituality, social justice awareness, character education, citizenship, resiliency, and inspiration
Increasing Entrance Scholarships and Bursaries
Creating meaningful community service opportunities & deepening community partnerships
Curating and constantly renewing a diverse EDI (equity, diversity, inclusion) print and digital library collection
Hosting Clubs in the LC such as yoga, maker space, book clubs, knitting, etc. to promote student wellbeing
Creating Parent book clubs and parents' night to showcase the LC's initiatives
Ongoing TL collaboration with classroom teachers - co-planning & co-teaching units and projects
Hosting visiting authors and guest speakers for students, faculty, and parent communities
Promote library initiatives through school social media and print publications (The Andrean)
Creating a warm, inviting, safe space for all students, faculty, staff
Creating and delivering faculty PD that promotes the library and the academic program (ex. Book Tasting and teaching digital literacy, etc.)