Legalization of Cannabis in Canada- Justin Trudeau



Liberal Party

Claims legalization is about public health and safety

thousands of Liberals voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution to legalize marijuana in 2012

Justin Trudeau said a Liberal government would start work "right away" on reforming the country's marijuana laws.

Financial Aspects

"Should bring a small amount of revenue"- Trudeau

Claims he is not considering legalization for revenue

"Any cash that flows to public coffers through marijuana taxation should go towards addiction treatment, mental health support and education programs — not general revenues"- Trudeau

Legalization of pot will breed multi-billion dollar business

SAQ union explores pot sales at liquor stores

Crime Stopping/Preventation

keeps the money away from the illegal drug dealers

Criminals with marijuana charges are waiting to hear if they will be pardoned for their crimes after legalization

April 2012, UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund) found that Canada leads the developed world in cannabis use among teenagers

this law should stop positively impact illegal sales and keep cannibis less accessible to minors

How Legalization has Benefitted Other Countries

In Colorado:

Lowered overall crime by 10%

Gained over ten million in retail tax dollars

In Vancouver:

Most used medicinal uses in Vanouver