Synoptic Essays

Instructions: It is up to you which title you choose, but have a look at all of them. We will be creating essay plans for each one, and you can add relevant information to each one. Hopefully we will have enough time to complete 3 detailed plans in the lesson.

Using DNA in science and technology

The many causes of human disease.


Motor neurone disease / Multiple sclerosis


Down's symdrome



Environment / Diet / Lifestyle

Smoking: Emphysema, Cancer, pulmonary fibrosis

Allergens: Asthma / Hayfever

Drinking: Liver Chirrosis, hepatic dysfunction, jaundice

Foods- Fatty foods, LDLs HDLs, Salt

UV Sun, Exposure to mutagens, Carcinogens, radioactive materials

STIs: Bacterial/Viral/Fungal


Mechanisms: Interfaces and how they enter, resisting host defences, Colonisation of tissues, damaging the host, release of toxins

Bacteria: Cholera / TB - Mechanisms of infection, course of 1 and 2 infection. Treatments, antibiotic resistance, horizontal and vertical transmission

Virus: Cold, HPV, Chlamydia, HIV

Fungi: Athletes foot, yeast. Destroy tissue: SAPROBIOTIC extracellular digestive enzymes

Parasites: Malaria, tapeworm, elephantiasis, lice

Maintaining constant conditions in the body.