The Consumer Profile


definition:study of obvious characteristics that categorize people

ex: age, gender, family life cycle, in come level, ethnicity and culture


pre customers


children and gatekeepers

appeal both customers and consumers

allowance customers


doesn't have regular income

begin to make buying decisions

gatekeepers still responsible

youth market


rely on gatekeepers for financial support

money from part time work become disposable income

post secondary


begin to live a single life

begin to make personal decisions that will become habitual and also develop brand loyalty

family formation


major life decisions being made

making purchase decisions for other family members



reaching career plateaus

earning maximum salary

children living home

dispose income increasing

mature market

fastest growing in Canada

very high dispose income

retie and be able to spend money on themselves


definition:a system of measuring consumers' belief, interests, and opinion

a way of profiling consumers' on the way they ''think''

ex:religion belief, lifestyles, musical taste

less obvious than demographic

much harder to measure

vital in creating an effective consumer profile


definition :a system of measuring "where"consumers live

rural, urban,suburban

"pockets" or concentrations of people in certain place

own tractors-rural Canada

Toronto Raptors - focous on urban/suburban GTA

Product Use

how frequency they use a type of product

heavy user

attempt to create brand loyalty

medium user

attempt to covert into heavy user

light user

attempt to convert into heavy user

non user

entering product category for the first time -need to be attracted

those who do not plan or using products- need to change attitude