The Wild Robot

(before reading)
Group 1: I think the wild robot escapes into wild.
I also think the robot will eat animals in the wild.
I think the robot will find a sidekick in the wild.
The robot will find animals there
Group 2: I think the robot will be lonely in the wild because there is no one with him, The wild robot was made from someone and got lost in the woods and is trying to reunite the robots owner. A kid or adult meets the robot in the wild and they become friends. I think the robot is going to live in the wild for a few years.
Group 3: A robot got lost in the wild, then a lion ate the robot and the lion dies. He swallowed him whole.
Group 4: Its a robot that lives in the wild. The robot can speak to animals. The robot is silver and grey. I think he rules the forest. Every animal in the forest respects him.
Group 5: I think the robot was abandoned from the owner into the wild and I think it is creepy because the robot is on top of the rocks. So the robot might jump.
Group 6: I think the robot was in a city, then he got kicked out,. So now he is living in the wild and lost. And he has a robot dog.
Class Prediction:
Prior Knowledge
Romana: Carry heavy things for humans
Orhan: Sensitive to water
Hasanaat: years and work to create
David: they will rule the world one day
Abdullah: Robots need a type of energy to survive
Idris: There are AI robots that can learn like humans can learn and maybe have feelings
Khansa: Move like humans
Now I think (robots)
Ms.Ty-Holland: I used to think that robots could never make pizza, but now I think robots making pizza would be faster and still yummy!
Hasnain: i used to think robots couldn't read my emotions, Now i think they can read my emotions.
Orhan: I didn't know there are different types of Robots in the World.
we make a picture in our minds based on what we read