Topic 5 Content
Multimodal and Blended Learning
Wide variety/Replaces seat-time
Meet needs of variety of learners- different learning styles, multiple approaches (face to face/computer)
Introvert: independent activities
Extrovert: face to face collaborative activities
Ideas for application: station rotations: teacher-led activity, student group activity, computer-based independent activity
Multiple intelligencs: Musical,
Mathematical/Logical, Linguistic,
Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic,
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalistic
Instruction engage multiple modalities
Inquiry-Based Learning
Deep process of learning through exploration and research to find answers to a question
Student-developed questions
Researched in class
Student presentations
Student Reflection
Ideas for application: Self-guided research project; teacher provides general topic- students can explore subtopics and create a question
Blending with Purpose
Discourse Community
Group of people who share a common interest and use the same discourse to talk/write about topic
Socially Mediated Learning (Vygotsky)
Learning is socially constructed; Zone of Proximal Development: adults can aid learning through scaffolds and co-construction
People create knowledge and meaning through activities
Activity Theory: examining whole activity as unit of analysis: all parties involved
Environments give cultural activities that support student learning