Water Crisis in yeman

Bioaccumulation: When a food chain is disturb from toxic substances, this is called bioaccumulation. Bioaccumulation occurs in yemen because of the lack of sewage treatment plants,over-use of pesticides and fertilizers, poor sanitation and factory wastes.

Sources of water pollution

Eutrophication: algae growth happens when chemicals like phosphates and nitrates are abundant in water. The bloom of the algae causes lack of O2 and light from the sun entering water as it is blocked by the algae causing some fish life to struggle.

Diagram of bioaccumulation:

Side effect of Bioaccumulation: Bioaccumulation kills sea animals that may be predators controlling prey populations or kills of fish that humans use for food.

Side effects of Eutrophication: Eutrophication alters the water's pH levels by the now existing algie decomposing and releasing CO2

Effects on humans and animals which rely on water

Yemen is suffering permanent damage to its valuable fisheries. Due to water pollution and hydrocarbon extraction.

Some substances like sodium carbonate, ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide change the pH of water. This makes harmful elements to the sea plant and animal life dissolve in water much easily which does not result well for those lives.


0-3 pH

4-6 pH



8-10 pH

11-14 pH




Yemen Oil Spill

Yemen Oil Spill

Animals and plants die from lack of clean water which produces excessive amounts of CO2

That CO2 produced makes water levels more acidic producing carbonic acid.

Floating topic

Floating topic

pH: A scale used to identify if the substance is acidic or basic (aqueous solution).

pH indicator: substances that changes color from a solution's pH level after coming in contact with it.



methyl orange

thymol blue

bromothymol blue

methyl red

ph Indicators

Raods and urban areas



Illegal dumping of waste

Oil Spills


Solutions Solvents

Eutrophication: chemicals such as nitrates and phosphates enrich the water and promotes algae growth. This restricts the amount of sunlight in the water due to algal blooms and it decreases the amount of dissolved O2 in the water

Diagram of Eutrophication:

Solvents: Substance that dissolves a solute.

Solute: Substance that dissolves in a solvent.

Water (H2O)

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

Hydroxyl + Sodium (OH + Na)


Inter Molecular Forces

Hydrogen Bonding


Floating topic

Saturation Level

Super Saturated



Solute concentration is lower than its equilibrium solubility.

Maximum concentration of solute
that can be dissolved in a solvent

More than Maximum concentration of solute
that can't be dissolved in a solvent


Heterogenous: Different substance mixture.

Homogenous: Same substance mixture

Pollutants in water

Picture of people in yemen using what little of clean water they have

Picture of people in yemen using what little of clean water they have

Since water whether underground or from any neighboring sea the people of Yemen do not have access to clean water. Under 55% of Yemenis have access to clean water and 71%-78% Yemenis live under the poverty line. Thanks to the poverty and polluted water people of Yemen have no where to get water from except from filtered plastic bottles that 3 out of 4 yemenis cant afford.




Carbon Monoxide

Ground-Level Ozone






Crude Oil


Insoluble: Unable to
dissolve in water

Soluble: Able to dissolve
in water