Young Goodman Brown
"Too Far"
GB says I am the first evil of my family
Sins of the father
But he was not the first
this portrays him as naive, silly, unarmed against the Devil
"Wickedness or not" P.describes the hypocracy of the town
Goody Cloyce
Broomstick stolen
staff was lended to her
she taught GB his sunday school
"A world of meaning"
his religion began with evil
white was tainted with red which led to pink
GB had a previous relationsip with the Devil
"Heaven above, faith below"
faith is almost gone at this point
actions speak louder than words
"I will follow skirt of Faith into Heaven after I finish sinning"
"Faith is gone"
Foreshadowed by darkness, pink ribbons
the dark cloud goes down the path
"to thee this world is given"
the decietfulness of sin
sin which so easily beset us
"they turned; flashing forth"
Baptism into sin begins
the Devil says you think you are "pure" but have always been evil
they will know the "state secrets" after baptized
the list of sins
"one stain of guilt"
enough to make white tainted with red into pink
1st Climax = No hope
"resist the evil one" = hope
leads to 2nd Climax = No hope
"whether faith obeyed he knew not"
aka Anti-Climax = decline
leaves the reader wondering if it were a dream
nevertheless, GB died without faith
At what point is GB lost?
When is it too late for anyone?
Is GB lost?
Can anyone be lost forever?
the trees close behine him
But he is not lost at this pt.
His resolve was to return
Faith compelled him to stay
But his faith was already at the pt. of sin
He is lost when he says "my faith is gone"
e. He becomes cynical of all others
Make this a general agrument for all people
See the end of the story
Deacon Goody
tells about others going
tells their sin