Категории: Все

по Nikolay Toporov 1 года назад


Электрические машины

Electric machines encompass various types of generators, each with unique excitation methods such as mixed, independent, and parallel excitations. These machines are classified into categories like commutator and synchronous electric machines.

Электрические машины

Электрические машины

Linking words in any style of writing will help the reader to follow the flow of information.

These will show contrast, connection, condition between two things.

Конструкция ЭМ

However is the formal version of but. It is not normally used at the beginning of a sentence.

Although, despite and in spite of introduce an idea of contrast.


Принцип работы ЭМ

Therefore, so, consequently and as a result are all used in a similar way.

So is more informal.

Электрическая мощность
Механическая мощность
Скользящий контакт
Активная длина проводника
Магнитное поле

Классификация ЭМ

Use these words at the beginning of the sentence to give a summary of what has been said or written.

Синхронные ЭМ
Коллекторные ЭМ

Виды генераторов

Ideas are often linked by 'and'. In a list, you put a comma between each item, but not before and.

Recommended not to start a sentence with also. Use instead In addition, or In addition to this.

Смешанного возбуждения
Параллельного возбуждений
Независимого возбуждения