Категории: Все - olympics - mining - economy

по joseph helton 12 лет назад


2 Helton J. Puckett D. Secret Societys

A society known for its substantial natural resources, including titanium, bauxite, gold, and one of the world's largest rutile deposits, also boasts the third largest natural harbor globally, facilitating extensive international shipping.

2 Helton J. Puckett D. Secret Societys

2 Helton J. Puckett D. Secret Societys

Society 1


The people of this society lost a lot of rights durring this new leaders rule.the leader stoped paying the money he owed to losing the war and instead invested in companys this could anger the people who he owed money to.

Full employment - the idea that everyone should have a job. Within a few years after the new leader took power of this society, there was virtually no unemployment. Everyone who wanted a job had one

There are many economical pros to this society. In the article, is is stated, “Everybody had a job, and a wage.” In the society everyone had a job, boosting the society's economy. The society went into a war, and many people were needed, so they were given jobs involving the war. All of these jobs could be very rewarding. “The leaders of this society set up Strength through Joy, which gave workers rewards for their work.” People were given things like holidays to be with their families, or trips to a theatre. All of these things were to encourage breaks from work for fun! There were also many smart deals the leader set up, like small weekly payments to buy a car. Many smart investments were made in the country by the leader. In the reading, the author claims, “He began a huge program of public works including planting forests, and building hospitals and schools. He also built public buildings such as an Olympic Stadium. The construction of new highways created work for 80,000 men.” Due to these projects many people were given work, for important things that the country needed, and other things that were a very nice privilege. This country began to develop a very large army to be a part of world war II. Over 1.4 million men were in the army, counting them as employed. Overall, this was probably one of the best economies ever to see the world. -Will

In this society there was a huge war (the ww) and after they lost they had a very big depression and that was lifted after a new leader took power.

this sounds good right, well for the citizens it was they got cars and jobs and every thing was happy until the leader started world war two.(hint hint)I also find the part about the no crime hard to belive.

There was almost full employment. Normal people had the oprotunity to buy a new car not just the rich people.Because of the atempt for full employment everyone who wanted a job got one.

During this society’s reign, there were many excellent, productive, political properties that made a great civilization. In the secret society one reading, it is said “The leaders worked to develop transportation routes in order to improve transport, trade and travel.” This society created transportation routes that really help production, and it is just a simple thing that is hard to live without. Many highways were also made in this area. Other things were also constructed like hospitals and schools, made for the general public. The society became very well organised, causing there to be hardly any crime, and it also became successful in world affairs. -Will


The people of this society could always take a little time off work and spend time with their family.They also got rewards for working.Hospitals and Schools Where built to school people and haelp people get through there injuries.They had youth groups to help kids have fun.

Society 2


Schools had to be built at an enormous rate, and parents were expected to give their children any opportunity they could. Encyclopedia sales, for example, rose to approximately $300 million a year. These children were a major social force when they were young, and continued to be as they aged, leading the this era and dominating this county’s politicas and businesses.

There were over ten million more land owners. Even when you went out of the city you still were in range of job oprotunities.hotdog production rose from 750 million lbs to 1050 million lbs within 10 years. Stores would group together with a huge parking lot, and these became known as shopping centers.

in this society there was a lot of T.V. shows that where about the decade.there where over ten million new home owners.Even when you got out of the city there was still job oprotunities for you.The majority of family life was foucused on the kids so they could have the best childhood they posably could.

Society 3

The Olympics hosted in this country was said to be the most expensive Olympic Games in history. The previous Olympics, were estimated to have cost about $15 billion, whereas this society's Olympics cost a huge $40 billion, indicating just how important this event was to the members of the society

Since 1993, the economy of this society has continued to grow rapidly.As this society continued to gain world power, citizen rights became limited.The 2011 census indicated that there are now around 1.34 billion people in the mainland of this society.This society's carbon dioxide emissions are growing much faster than anticipated.


It is one of the first settlement established

Society 4


By 1937 this society was mining one million carats annually and by 1970 production had reached a peak of 2 million carats. Between 1930 and 1998, approximately 55 million carats were officially mined in here. At an average price of $270 US dollars per carat , the total value is close to $15 billion US dollars, money which has never benefited the majority of the citizens who live in this society.


This society is also the largest producers of titanium and bauxite also it is a major producer of gold. The country has one of the world's largest deposits of rutile. This society is also home to the third largest natural harbor in the world where shipping from all over the globe occurs.


The colonial history of this society is not placid. The indigenous people mounted several unsuccessful revolts against British. Most of the 20th century history of the colony was peaceful, however, and independence was achieved without violence.


In 1935, the colonial authorities concluded an agreement with the DeBeers mining company giving it exclusive mining and prospecting rights over the entire country for 99 years. But by 1956 there were an estimated 75,000 illegal miners in the heart of the diamond area