Категории: Все - relationships - data - techniques - behaviors

по Yousra Habib 14 лет назад


5 Scientific Technique

The text discusses various scientific techniques used in both social and natural sciences, focusing on case studies, naturalistic observation, and surveys. Each method has distinct characteristics, strengths, and limitations.

5 Scientific Technique

Scientific Techniques


Sample of 800 americans were phoned to respond to a questionnare
Cannot offer any insights, into cause and effect relationships
inaccuracy of the data

Misunderstanding of the Question

Poor memory

Intentional Deception

Relies on self report method of data collection
Collect data on aspects of behaviour difficult to observe directly

ex. Suicidal thought

asses attitudes and opinions on a variety of subjects
Used in social and natural sciences
data collected via interviews or questionnare
Inferences about behaviour
Non-experimental descriptive approach

Case study

studying a historical character from historical documents
Faulty data

Data loss from previous records

recorded by different people

No ideas of general group
No cause effect Relationshop
Getting Contextual View

Natural Phenomenon


Indepth study of

Physical Phenomenon(Natural Science)

Indivdual (Social Science)

Depends on recorded observations
Not experimental

Naturalistic Observation

Kills finally after four repetions and kills the prey
adult would then attack from the other direction
dive at the fox from behind
Observing wild birds copertivly hunting
Difficult to code results.
Hard not to disrupt the behaviour
Time consuming
describes but doesnt explain
Uses Nature as a Lab
observe normal settings
nonexperimental approach used in real life

records behavior or phenomenon

carefully observe


Predators number increases, preys increase because of postivie correlation.
Doesnt prove causation
Often forgotten
Used as prediction
used when unethical or impractical
Non experimental
Statistical tool
Relationship between two or more of behaviors.


result: confined birds lose half brain cells compared to environment birds
control group: free birds in natural enviornment
confining some birds with some seeds
highly controlled setting, unlike artifical setting of less controlled complex world
can only be used when it is practical and ethical
used practically & ethically

to manipulate the variables

detects cause-and-effect relationships
See results of dependent variables affected by the independent.
highly controlled conditions
manipulating a variable (independent)