Категории: Все - separation - roles - divorce - history

по Dines Alisa 3 лет назад


Alisa Dines - Canadian Families (My Family, Historical Can. Families & FNMI families)

First Nations families in Canada traditionally function with a strong emphasis on socialization of children and the physical maintenance and care of their members. These families often consist of extended relatives including parents, children, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, who provide support and guidance.

Alisa Dines - Canadian Families (My Family, Historical Can. Families & FNMI families)


Red Line: Differences

Green line: Similarities

Canadian Families (picture is example of one type of family)

My Family

Parents met in Romania (country in Europe), moved to Canada, had my brother, then me

Hasn’t been any changes

Father - has a job, makes money, cook

Kids: I entertain my family and my brother helps around the house

Mother - sometimes does all house chores(e.g. Laundry, cooking)
6 functions
Addition of new family members - had me three years later after my brother
Social control of children - gave us a curfew when out of the house with friends
Nurturance and Love - making sure that we are feeling okay
Physical maintenance and care of members - parents take care of me and my brother
Family Form
Nuclear Family (consists of two parents, one or more children living together - siblings)

Dad, mom, brother, me

First Nations Families

Reasons for change
Substance abuse to cope with trauma from residential schools
Couldn’t speak their native language
Residential schools (students that went there that are returning home became stranded, disconnected from their communities
Women - tended to the home fire
Elders- taught children
Men - warriors, providers and protectors
Physical maintenance and care of members - e.g. guided by mentors, elders, teachers or Elders, parents and grandparents provide support
Socialization of children for adult roles - e.g. become a teacher for your children/teach young ones to continue the circle of teaching
Mostly Extended family(parents, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and another blood relations, living together or not) (picture is an example of FNMI families)

Historical Canadian Family

Reasons for Change
Neglect (neglecting from responsibilities)
Loss of job/employment
Birth of children
Same-sex couples now have a lot of opportunities as a couple, compared to a heterosexual relationship
Woman and men (mostly woman) move out of “traditional” gender roles (jobs)
Father - gets a job, make money
Mother - does all house chores (e.g. cooking, cleaning)
6 Functions
Addition of new family - giving birth to a child/procreation more popular
Physical maintenance and care of members - making dinner for family
Socialization of children for adult roles - preparing/sending children to school
Family Forms
Nuclear Family(consists of two parents, one or more children living together - siblings) (Picture is not my family)