Категории: Все - assessment - development - confidence - growth

по Robert Garcia 3 лет назад


Assessing Growth

Understanding and addressing the academic challenges faced by students is essential for fostering their growth. Intelligence tests can help pinpoint specific difficulties, enabling tailored teaching strategies.

Assessing Growth

Assessing Growth


When Assessing growth it is how well the student does on testing and who is the smartest student.
Traditional forms of education emphasize verbal and quantative skills, students have many other talents, including artistic and musical abilities, creative powers, and athletic skills." Assessing growth is not just test after test and one way to grow. they are many different aspects of students that we can assess,

Correlation Features that can lead to Misconceptions

Little consideration to what a child wants to do(293), Truly assessing the growth of a student can better give us a handle on their motivations to be better not only in the subject but life.
"For some children, IQ scores are poor summaries of what they can do at present or in the future."(292) Due to some high up assessing growth {Standardized Testing} can have a negative affect on a students confidence even though that is not where they stop growing.
When some people hear the word testing they can possibly think if they don't do well that they are not smart "Clinical and school psychologists ... now have a sufficient training in assessment to understand that a single IQ score should never warrant a diagnosis of intellectual disability."(292)

Defining Characteristics

"Knowing a Childs relative standing …on varied items is arguable=bly less informative than finding out the particular intellectuaal domains" with assessing growth we can receive the particular intellectual standing of a student
"They are determined by comparing a person's performance on the test with the performance of others"(287) In many tests there are the percentile range where students are in a competitive state
"Intelligence Tests are used to identify children with exceptionally high abilities"(285) children who succeed in school can benefit from assessing their steady growth

Narrow Concept

"Intelligence Test is administered to determine why certain children show academic difficulties" As we realize what the students are not understanding we can better plan and teach each student. Let the students understand that test are for them to get the best out of their education

Broad Area

Assessing the growth of a student can adequately help them understand what they are not.

In many aspects of school and in life we assess our growth on the subject, to better ourselves.


Post: Students and teacher go over test scores and growth throughout the year in and out of the classroom and evaluate the students growth
Pre: Students will inform the teacher on what type of assessments are better for them to truly evaluate their growth and what type of intelligence they are if the information is known.


Negative: Not understanding or sympathizing with the students to help them in their growth
Negative: Copying or cheating during tests
Negative: Students not truly motivated to be better in class or out of class
Positive: going over how much growth that the students have had in the middle of the semester by one on one evaluations of their scores
Positive: Letting students work together to assess social growth to be successful in society by many group work
Positive: Having the student execute a pre assessment of the course and at the end of the course giving them the same test and go over how much better they did.


Male: boys think more that "their failures are a lack of effort" having a mindset of " I know i can do this if i work at it"
Female: "Despite girls' higher achievement, they tend to have less confidence about their abilities." (511)Assessing and reaffirming their growth throughout the year can help them increase their confidence.

Developmental Characteristics

Vygotsky believed in assessing growth through "Challenging Tasks that promote maximum Cognitive Growth"(215) or the zone of proximal development. Vygotsky thought that tasks that can only be done by the students with a little guidance can promote growth. and we are to be there to be that assistance.
Piaget believed in students growing and "increasing organized and complex concepts and mental skills"(196) through a process of EQUILIBRIUM(comfortably addressing new situations) on to DISEQUILIBRIUM(instances where a mental discomfort is put on students to deal with the situation at hand) back to EQUILIBRIUM.

Cross Curricular

English 12 in the unit of college essays writing a college essay at the beginning of the year and then multiple at the end of the year can carefully assess growth from the first essay.
Physics Having a more "Dynamic Assessment"(290) where there is usually an adults assistance can properly assess growth
English 10 using a Cognitive Assessment Test (287) to better understand how to help students take tests better.