по Nancy Best 12 лет назад
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Country boundary jumping and migratory populations create tensions.
Indigenous people as disposable title compromise rural natives in infrastructure building.
BURDENED BY DEBT in attempts to build a modern society of access. Exports provide the initial ability, only to diminish over time. Today debt is a major factor of the individual countries GDP.
Economic infrastructures are week. Bank technology access is in its infancy. World organizations play a critical part of their continuing development.
Efforts to build investment in their country has them focusing of Beijing and a China-Africa dialogue.
Growing Populations present numerous social issues requiring a social human capital investment.
Polity incorporates Freedom issues, Governance issues, People as human investments. Policy has spawned many economic entralities through urban development and export/import issues, neglecting the social issues of education and health. Non-government agencies take up this challenge but have serious limitations of budget.
Education from early childhood through age 15 demonstrates a neglible education attendance through data.
Health Issues of HIV, Child Mortality, Female access to prenatal care, shortage of trained health care providers.
Raskin, P., Banuri, T., Gallopin, G., Gutman, P., Hammond, A, Kates, R. and Swart, R. (2002).
Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead. Stockholm Environment Institute.
Global Banking requires technology with the movement of money. The IMF has signed an agreement with the Bank of Nigeria requiring this form of access.
African Internet sites are slow and pokey. It can take one up to ten minutes to load. Major cities have select sites that do allow faster connectivity.
Easy Sites
African Development Bank Group
Gets an A++ for content
Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Quest (BCEAO) http://www.bceao.int/
Council of Ministers, economic items of interest.
IFs (Hughes, 2010) provides our views of conditions trends that are possible over time. Issues of CPOWER show High Three Are: Ghana, Namibia, Botswana, with Nigeria and Uganda tagging along for the ride.
Conventional Power, when rated with a 35% increase in investment show the greatest increase in population improvements. This is a factor of increase in partnerships outside the normal debt driven UNESCO, IMF of the World Bank and a current U.S. Texas firm, a water interest based in Houston. High interest by the U.S. Houston based Water Details LLC proposes providing assistance of $400 billion to build water improvements.